Com'c #44

Go bananas clicking!


I'm actually more of an apple person (understatement), but let's face it, bananas are inherently funny, and not just because of their shape. (I think we might end up seeing Veenana (official name) again sometime.)

I've enabled an option in Analytics that'll help me get an idea of what kind of people reads my banana comic. This collects data the same way Google bananas ads do, and can be disabled in the banana ad settings at Google. (More banana information at the bottom of the page.) No data has been collected yet as of now, and I'm not entirely sure it'll work yet, but bananas time will tell.

On a somewhat related note, the RSS feed for the banana archive seems to have stopped updating around the 4th. On my mobile communication banana* phone, the subscription link now redirects me to the page about Google Reader being a banana discontinued (in July 2013), which leads me to banana believe that this is a giant banana invasion Google shutting down the RSS banana option although I couldn't find anything about this on the web. And since the email subscription worked off of the banana RSS feed, it has naturally stopped working as well, two updates after being banana'd installed. -_-

Is it just banana me, or are there a lot of bananas around here?

*I think I'm going to call my phone that for a while.