Transcript of #264

The vote button doesn't mind being called Barry.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Marc and Jane's apartment. Marc is sleeping on his bed in the dark.


Marc Cervelle: zzzz♪zzzz-- hm?

Panel 2:

Marc, at the top of the stairwell, by the exit to the roof.

Caption: Soon, by the rooftop exit...

Marc Cervelle, thinking: That sounded like it came from up here...

John Blague, off-panel: I think you could use some landing practice.

Marc Cervelle, thinking: John?

Leonard Blague, off-panel: Shut up, I got distracted.

John Blague, off-panel: You should be more careful, Lenny. What if someone h--

Leonard Blague, off-panel: Leonard. Don't use that old nickname. It's childish.

Panel 3:

Lenny - in costume as GPTPR - and John, on the rooftop. The night sky can be seen in the background.

Leonard Blague: It's bad enough that people call me the Green and Purple Toilet Paper Roll.

Title: "Nicknames"

Storyline: "Identity Papers" (1)

Additional tags: outdoors, super heroes, sleep humming

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