Com'c #137

I dream of votes.

Three meter tall votes that

chase me with cheese.


Writing Wednesday to be posted Friday. Hi, future people!

Dreams are weird.

We should all take a moment to visualize Victor's state in panel three: Flying out the window shouting "GERONIMOOO", sitting backwards on a giraffe tall pony with a top hat, a bubble pipe and roller skates. Also note that the room they're in is (normally) on the ground floor.

Coming up with and making this str'p was a lot of fun, and personally, I really like the end result. :-)

This is actually the second str'p to use the full bodies of canon characters, but the first one where they're not stickmen. I kinda like how John and Victor turned out with their full body representations (it's actually the same body, but don't tell anyone), which is surprising. When I started trying to draw John, I expected them to look far worse. I was ready to declare their appearances non-canon, but they actually turned out relatively good, if I may say so myself.

Another thing I'm pleased with is the giraffe tall pony. Of course, I used a reference image for the basic giraffe tall pony, i.e. without the accessories, but I'm kinda proud of it anyway.

I also considered having some other random things in panel two, such as a bottomless pit with a neon sign saying "bottomless pit open Mon-Fri 3-6 pm", or maybe Nope Guy, but I found it too distracting.