Com'c #122

Vote to help patch her cloak!


In case it isn't clear, this medium who is probably Vee, doing who knows what is being interviewed by the local TV channel HTV. I'm sure you can guess what that stands for. HTV is not affiliated with the DBS. Yes, serious media actually do exist in Hereton!

For the record, in my mind, the interviewer is female.

The patches on Vee's the medium's cloak are there mainly to make it clear that it's a cloak, not her hair, and secondarily because I like the look. It did set me on thoughts that I might want to use that hair style for a future female character. At the moment, I don't have such a character in mind (I do, however, have three males I might introduce, two of which have been mentioned), but I'm sure I'll come up with something eventually.

Oh, and if it seems strange that the interviewer thanks Vee the medium for saying her question was good, just consider the fact that asking questions is part of her job. :-)

(P.S.: Fixed a typo in panel one. Thanks to Hairplug4men for pointing it out to me!)

(P.P.S.: There's a new vote incentive on TWC!)