Com'c #3

Publiseringsdato: 29.sep.2013 17:37:51

Marc: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down... | Nope Guy: Nope. | Marc: Who the chord was that?

Never gonna give you up,

never gonna vote you down...


That's a good question, Marc. Who was that, anyway? I call him Nope Guy. Beyond that, no idea.

So I tested my hypothesis about the corruption I mentioned in the last commentary, and it turned out to be correct. In other words, I'm now saving the drawings in .png instead of .jpg, and it works much better. Using my templates will be much easier now (after I've manually removed the existing corruption on them, a process that included making everyone's skin temporarily green), making the str'ps faster to make.

Back to today's str'p: If anyone doesn't know the song, this is "Never Gonna Let You Go" by Rick Astley, also known as the song used for "rickrolling".

I don't have anything else to say, so I'll just link to this great xkcd comic and call it a day. Or a night. Whatever.

Oh, right! I will be trying to make Sundays my update day, but the last few days have shown me that I can pull off at least two str'ps in a weekend, so I might end up doing two or even three str'ps a week eventually (this week doesn't really count in my eyes, because of the lack of a clear schedule). I won't do the typical Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule, though - I want to involve at least one weekend day because I know that the fact that few comics update in the weekend can make weekends more boring.