Com'c #215

"Boreas?" "HERE!" "Dripply?" "I'm sad." "Okay, and I'm here... Thor?" "HE'S OUT VOTING FOR COM'C!"

Commentary Transcript

The weather gods, everybody! The one whose name is not mentioned in the str'p (normal text, wants sun) is named Lucius. These three voices, and Thor (guess what he likes?), are responsible for the weather in and around Hereton. Whether or not they literally exist in the verse is something I'll leave up to you to consider, for now.

I'm sorry if panel 1/2 is confusing with all its bubble connectors. You're probably better off focusing on the formatting and wording to tell who's talking:




This str'p was inspired by, you probably guessed it, the recent weather where I live, which has switched between sun, rain and snow seemingly randomly. For future reference, it's almost May. We thought we were done with the snow, but NOPE., it started snowing again last week. I've been left with the impression that the weather is... confused. Especially when it briefly rained snow. There's no better way to describe it - it was snow, but it fell like it was rain. (P.S.: My girlfriend tells me this is what's called "sleet". I thought that was when rain and snow mixed on the ground, interchangeable with "slush", but clearly I was wrong. My way of saying it is more descriptive, though.)

I was a bit unsure whether to have the final panel describe the sacking of Mr. Clode, or the offer for his rehiring. Due to space concerns, I also had to cut a joke about the DBS editors thinking that making stuff up was in the job description of meteorologists.* One thing I did manage to keep was the "Ltd. Inc. Corp." I don't know if that's actually something a company could be, but I'm hoping it isn't. I think it's probably the DBS making fun of HTV, but with the way this universe works sometimes, it's hard to tell even for me.

* No offense to meteorologists. I know you're doing an important job with many factors to consider.