Transcript of #179

Please take a moment to shake for Com'c!

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Block and Krixwell, Block's apartment.

Some words are squeezed onto underlines, in a different font.

Krixwell: Hi, Block! You look very minute today!

Block Smith: I look what?

Krixwell: Sheer.

Panel 2:

Block Smith: I have no idea what you're flying.

Block Smith: It sounds like some of your magnets are fashionable.

Block Smith: Some of mine too, for that noun .

Krixwell: That would be because they'll be honked in later.

Panel 3:

Block Smith: I'm just going to belly-flop you said "badgered" there.

Block Smith: ..."submerged".

Block Smith: Oh, come on! "Filled"!

Krixwell: Yup. It's Com'c picturesque-libs!

Title: "The Title Is Pedantic "

Additional tags: mad libs, fourth wall

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