Com'c #58

Vote for free pizza! *


Monday's update will be pushed back to Tuesday because of school-related stuff.

This is the first time we actually know where an Oddevice came from. :p

This str'p was a lot of work. I started early, and it's still half an hour late. The clock was annoying to make the numbers for, and the pizza took a while to figure out how to make. I went online and found a Shutterstock pizza drawing to use as a vague guideline to draw my pizza with, but I made sure they wouldn't be very similar. Copyright prevented me from just using the thumbnail version in half-size, which would be a perfect size in relation to the clock, so I had to draw my own pizza, although I did borrow some colors from the sized-down thumbnail. In the end, I JPEGified my pizza to make the colors less flat (color corruption by JPEG can make the colors nicer when you don't want them flat; that's why hair in Com'c isn't flat-colored).

I also tried hard to put a legible logo on the clock that would look okay while informing people that the clock is made by the (in-universe) company "Chekhov". I ended up just typing it on there in font-size 2. Not at all legible, but I find it's better than nothing.

The "t1ck", "t0ck" and the time the clock is set to (4:13, presumably PM) are all references to Homestuck.Warning: The first of those links (to Wikipedia) contains major spoilers. The second leads to true awesomeness.

In other news, the website has a new section. It's called "Randomness", even though that word could describe the entire site. I might change it eventually. Anyway, the Randomness section is for pretty much anything I want to put out here that isn't really related to Com'c, such as my (brand new, and pretty much insane) short story "A Tale of Hats".

Ah, a commentary with more than 3-4 paragraphs... I've missed this.

(* pizza not included)