Com'c #82

Cursor to VOTE-8.


If you don't know how to play chess, don't worry. All you need to know for the purpose of this str'p is that the word "check" is said when you threaten the opponent's king, and that the word "checkmate" is used when you threaten the opponent's king and there's no way out (which means you've won, like Jane does in this str'p).

The specific moves used by Jane and Vee in the str'p are fairly irrelevant to the str'p, so I got them from the end of an actual game I've played against an AI. I was white, playing the moves Jane uses, although the circumstances may be different for Jane and Vee. In case anyone is interested, here's how those moves looked for me:

(click for larger version)

On a completely different subject, I'm awful at keeping track of time differences between dates in different months. That's why I thought Com'c was approaching its six-month mark when it's actually creeping up on seven months! I'm a bit disappointed I missed the six-month mark, though. Oh, well.

And finally, Saturday's str'p will be an Easter Special! Yay! :-)