Com'c #69

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This str'p has unusually few people in each panel.

I decided that the stuff inside the progress bar should be liquid for two reasons.

1) It made panel three look both better and funnier.

2) I always imagined it as liquid when I was younger and played more games online. Specifically, AQ ...My cat wrote that. You'll have to ask him what "(spaces) AQ (TONS of spaces)" means. Anyway, what I was actually going to write was: Specifically, water or lava. For the really slow loaders (especially if they were green), it could be some sort of slime. I'd consider that liquid somewhat sentient. This was so I could pretend to "taunt" the liquid with the pointer and "run away" from it, to make time pass by while waiting for slow loading.

Also, if the speed the progress bar in the str'p seems to reach 119% after crossing the 100% point appears to contradict the fact that this loader is really slow, remember that we don't actually know how much time passes between panels 2 and 3. Also, remember gravity. This is why you rarely see progress bars going upwards.