Com'c #193

Why is it that whenever the subject of voting for Com'c is broached...

Commentary Transcript

- Maybe John was on to something? (also mentioned here)

- Moosy dinosaurs

- Flappy dinosaurs

- Sciency dinosaur?

- Mayor Flamingo

- Garage? (not canon)

- Vee has met Napoleon somehow

- More about Napoleon

I found myself wanting a quick-to-make str'p today, on account of my girlfriend's birthday (Happy birthday, sweetheart!), so the handdrawn str'p I said* may be coming up will have to be the next one or a few str'ps from now. This str'p still managed to be slightly late, though, on account of shenanigans related to the same thing. However, it would be much later if I hadn't consciously decided to use a quick-to-make one, so yay planning! :,P

Deciding what to put in panel 2 was the trickiest part of making this str'p.

Now, let's all pause to consider that this str'p gives me a legitimate excuse if I ever decide to introduce dinosaurs in the comic. RAWR!

*Don't be surprised if you can't remember me mentioning that. It was said in a non-update notification post three days ago, which will be removed once this has been posted. The relevant quote:

"Incidentally, the next update (or the one after it) might be a hand-drawn one, if I can only figure out how I want to go about the idea and draw it reasonably well (HAAANDSSS!). It will be nowhere near as complex as #158, though."