Com'c #217

Eseapl etov rof M'coc!

Commentary Transcript

- Sirph alphabet's first appearance (tempting retcon target)

- First proper usage

If you were wondering, this str'p does indeed include pretty much all there is to know about Sirphane. I only had to leave out two minor details* for space reasons. Apart from the lack of those two details and information on the alphabet (which is optional anyway), this str'p is a complete tutorial on how to read and write Sirphane.

I feel like I should probably give you guys an overview of the alphabet too, to make it easier... Nah. Good luck! *walks away with evil grin*


*comes back* ...okay, fine:

* The omitted details:

1) Y is the exception to the "desab no ngillesp" bit. It is treated as a vowel when it works like one, such as in "grumpy", and as a consonant when it works like one, such as in "yes".

2) In-universe, the word "Sirphane" is supposed to be Sirphane in origin (in reality, it's just a mutation of the alphabet's name + "-ean"), so it remains unchanged in translations.

(The str'p also omits things like how sweet things are used as swears, but that's not really part of the language itself.)