Com'c #50

"Vote" doesn't have an L. :(


50 str'ps (+ 3 specials and one guest str'p). Wow.

123 days. 17 weeks. Four months. Wow.

Only one full schedule slip. Wow.

Over 1200 total visits. (About 10 visits/day.) Wow.

Thanks you to all of my readers over the course of the last four months, and to all of you future readers too!

This str'p

For anyone who doesn't know, L and C are Roman numerals for 50 and 100, respectively.

The size of Block's nose is one of the aspects of character design I really regret sometimes. Panels with him in typically have a lot of dialogue, squeezed between him and Krixwell. The nose doesn't exactly help to fit speech bubbles in there.

Vee wearing the Veenana suit was a last-minute impulse addition. I put it in because it felt a little more celebratory and silly, and because why not? :-)

That's... pretty much all I have to say about this str'p.

Here's to another 50, and beyond! :D