Com'c #93

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First of all, better late than never, and at least I did make a warning/explanation post about it, which I have since deleted. The reason for the lateness was a 4-hour recreational car trip with my family. Although I do think Com'c has been late a bit too often lately (no pun intended). Sorry about that.

This str'p could have been VERY different. Originally, panel one would show thoughts from both of them (Cal's thoughts have been preserved, while Vee's were that Cal would look good with spikes), but no speech. Cal would introduce himself as "Cal Meletie, professor of asafeiology and founder of Asafei Science. And you are?", to which Vee would reply "Here, it seems!"

An awful, forced joke that doesn't contribute much to the ongoing mini-storyline, mostly because I started with the setup instead of the joke. The only purpose of this would be to introduce Cal to Vee, and more importantly, establish his last name, Meletie. More characters will be getting last names over time.

However, I started early this morning (around 11 am), before breakfast, in order to get a head start due to the trip. As I was adding the right mouths on the characters, I noticed their mouths are identical, except Vee's is two pixels longer. I noted this fact in the [com'c] group on Palringo, and added "This doesn't mean they're family, though." (due to Marc and Jane's noses, which are almost identical), which of course gave me the idea that they might be related. This is the result, and I think it's better than the original.

As a side note, the mouth really isn't a clue to them being family - when I took a look at the other characters' mouths, most of them have mouths like those, of varying length. I consider this a good sign, compared to the ridiculous mouths I had in the comic early on.