Com'c #14

Publiseringsdato: 26.okt.2013 13:23:49

Voting would be Krixwell-service.


Now I've done it... One of the more stupid things for a webcomic artist who wants to grow an audience to do - use an in-joke.

I would usually avoid trying to explain the joke in a commentary, but this time, I don't think I have a choice: This str'p was inspired by a friend of mine on Palringo called Hairplug4men (or HP4M), who said that for some reason, the thought of one of my characters wearing an eyepatch was funny. So yeah, I didn't mention it, but that made me write this script. Didn't take much thought to decide that Block should be the one to wear it.

I actually think the eyepatch looks cool on Block.

By the way: In addition to the contact page (that's the second link to it in one commentary - it's a popular page for linking, it seems), I have made a feedback survey. The feedback survey is an easy way to give feedback on some things that are useful for me to know, and it will help me a lot if you take the time to answer it (honestly, please - trolling isn't really that helpful, although I enjoy humoristical comments), no matter whether you like Com'c or not. Thanks in advance!