Transcript of #225

It is important to have a comfortable sofa to vote from.

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Vee and Victor, common room.

Vee Meletie: I got us another sofa for the common room, so all of us can sit comfortably at once!

Victor Guardiano: Oh, wow. Thanks, but...

Victor Guardiano: You should have talked to me about it first. There's no space in here for it.

Vee Meletie: Really? Looks fine to me. Just watch!

Panel 2:

Victor stands roughly a third into the panel from the right, with a somewhat concerned expression. Vee has gone off-panel to the left.

SFX: *push*

SFX: *shove*

SFX: *rotate*

SFX: *push*

SFX: *shove*

SFX: *lift*

SFX: *bounce*

Panel 3:

Victor has walked over to Vee, who is now "sitting" in the now vertical sofa. The sofa is off-panel.

Vee Meletie: There we go, no problem at all!

Victor Guardiano: Well, I suppose you were right.

Victor Guardiano: Though I think a sofa set up vertically against a wall is going to be a bit impractical.

Vee Meletie: But fun!

Title: "Where Do I Put My Glass?"

Additional tags: furniture, refurnishing, couch

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