Com'c #114

You should vote, because otherwise

a green goblin will show up and that

makes me think of Spider-Man I mentioned

Spider-Man in the first post of the archive

oh wow that is a long time ago and what

the hell am I talking about?


Part of why my mind is a lot like shown on the blackboard (why do they call them that when they're green?) is that I have ADD, which makes me easily distracted. But I refuse to believe that anyone's mind is like a railway. I think most people will agree, but if you don't, feel free to let me know.

Having this blackboard background ready will be useful if I ever decide to make str'ps including Marc/Jane's teachers or fellow students. (I should probably remake that str'p eventually.)

...I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll just go get distracted now. :-)