Com'c #25

Publiseringsdato: 23.nov.2013 14:24:32

The captain nibs dentist legs.


One quarter of the way to a hundred str'ps! Neat!

I'll leave it to my readers to interpret John and Vee's conversation in this str'p. ;) What in the world are they talking about?


Now, my expectations were confirmed when it comes to feedback. I haven't gotten any feedback about the placement of the TWC vote banner at all, so I will put it there for now. (I add it manually, so I might forget it occasionally.) After all, it seems nobody dislikes it enough to complain. (Edit 30 Jan 14: Outdated.)

(That said - please vote! There's even a special str'p there which only those who vote get to see!)

I did, however, get one bit of feedback, namely about a lack of hamsters.

Happy now, miss Longlastname? ;)