Com'c #129

That's okay. I'm used to non-voters.

Hardly even notice them.


Yay for really late updates.

This str'p started out with a completely different (unwritten) script. The original joke was that John thought the Oddevices were running out of ideas (another reason that joke wouldn't work very well is that he was in neither of those instances, though I'm pretty sure there have been off-panel Oddevice encounters), it became difficult to defend that John didn't simply back away / run away, since he has been shown to dislike them to some extent, and the setup in general was awkward. I wound up with the idea that the characters simply didn't notice it for some reason, which led to this. This change happened after I'd already placed the characters, including hair-swap, but I still had to come up with something for them to talk about in panels 1-2. I asked for suggestions in the [com'c] Palringo group, and got "hippopotami". Figuring out how to expand this took some time.

Speech bubble placement turned out to be out to get me in this str'p too, and right as I finished the str'p about an hour ago (already half an hour late), I was asked to help my parents with something. Add the commentary writing, and it's an hour and a half late.

Oh, and making an Oddevice-related str'p with John only three str'ps after this was simply bad planning. -_-

All in all, not my best str'p.