Com'c #4 (and another schedule update!)

Publiseringsdato: 30.sep.2013 17:09:52

Hi, I'm Block. The author thought he'd leave the alt text field open, but I decided to fill it. Why waste a good text field?

The vote button has claustrophobia.


Well... I just couldn't wait until Wednesday to post the next str'p. And the str'ps are fairly fast to make. So I've decided to try out a Monday-Wednesday-Saturday schedule already now! We'll see how it goes. If I can't keep up, I'll go back to the Wednesday-Sunday schedule. As for why I want to do Saturday instead of Friday, it's simply that I want to involve the weekend because I know how boring it can be that not that many webcomics update in the weekend. So the next str'p, which is already done (yay me), will be posted on Wednesday. :-)

I've set up Google Analytics in hopes of seeing whether or not anyone actually visits my site to read the comic. It should be able to give me some idea of how (un)popular it is, which could help.

Now, Block is an interesting fellow. You'd almost think he knows he's in a... *looks at str'p* ...oh.