Com'c #22

Publiseringsdato: 17.nov.2013 16:46:06

Just a hop, skip and a vote!


El Goonish Shive really is awesome. Also, its fanbase, including me, is called bunnies (the link leads to the sketchbook section, which contains spoilers if you go forwards, just so you know). EGS is one of the major inspirations for Com'c in some ways, being my favorite webcomic (not made by me). I definitely recommend checking it out. If you do, you should start at the beginning, because as opposed to Com'c, it has a continuous ongoing storyline. (The quality of the art and writing improve greatly over time.)

The original title of this str'p was "Declaration of Fandom", but I changed it to have at least some clarification inside the str'p itself.

Tomorrow (since this is technically yesterday's str'p) we'll meet two new characters! Yay! :D

(Or in a few seconds, future reader. Lucky you!)