Com'c #197

Time goes faster in Narnia, meaning you can vote more often there.

Commentary Transcript

It's entirely possible that John is misremembering just how much the kids remembered when they came back, in which case he might want to try walking through the wardrobe himself. Also, if my memory serves me right, the kids didn't actually grow old, just up. I blame John for that error in the str'p. Very few people have perfect memory, and John is not one of them.

The natural explanation for how this miraculous return of memory happened, if it did, is of course magic. This also explains how the kids became, well, kids again. Not that that doesn't carry its own set of issues...

P.S.: Site rearrangement

I just did something I've been thinking about for a while. The archive is now the front page of the site, while the former front page is now the "about" page. The old /archive url still applies to the archive, but / will also lead to it, and not to the old front page. /archive/ is still required for links to specific str'ps.

I've also rearranged the order of some of the pages on the navigation bar at the top, mainly to get Extras and Randomness together and give the archive highest priority.