Com'c #84

The randomly self-voting

button was not for sale.


Wait, what? Lying down? IN COM'C?! Wow.

Not to mention the fact that this str'p actually has five design layers (background, Jane, bed, Marc, speech bubbles) as opposed to the usual three (background, characters, speech bubbles). In other words, it's more three-dimensional than most str'ps! :-D

In case I didn't make it obvious enough, that blue bit with the clouds is a part of his bedsheets. I'd draw a pillow, but it got in the way of Jane's mouth, and honestly looked more like she was wearing her Santa beard again than anything remotely resembling a pillow. Solution: Marc is lying on top of his bedsheets, not necessarily the way he's supposed to be lying in bed normally. He's just relaxing, not sleeping. :-)

I think he has closed his eyes, though, not opening them until panel three. But of course, explicitly showing that is not going to happen.

I wonder where you could get a randomly self-levitating bed, actually. It sounds fun. And a little bit dangerous. Don't try this at home! :-p