Com'c #126

If you vote, the socks won't

eat your nose when they take over.


I count 7-8 places on an average human body on which you can place a sock without other forms of support. (#8 depends on your physical gender and current state of, er, mind.) Nine if you have a nose like John's, but that's hardly average.

John's sock was originally white with pink hearts, but I eventually decided it was too out of character for him, so I downplayed the trope by using more in-character colors. Besides, I think this looks better. I also considered changing the hearts to green slimes, but decided against it in part because of the extra work required and the fact that they were barely recognizable without eyes.

The green slimes would be a Homestuck reference. I've previously acknowledged the fact that John's name and hair color could be seen as parallels to the Homestuck character John Egbert (who doesn't have blue hair, but types in blue), via having him use the name "Breath of Heir" on DBS Answers, as John Egbert is the Heir of Breath. Similarly, a green slime is an icon for the latter.

For the record, any actual parallels between the two are accidental or subconscious, with the exception of the DBS Answers nickname. I named Com'c's John before he even had hair, and I don't think I was thinking about John from Homestuck when I made it blue.