Com'c #26

Publiseringsdato: 25.nov.2013 15:19:19

Square bees like to sting

non-voters. Take care.


Did you see the calendar?

Hi, Jane! About time we saw her again. Last time we saw her was seven str'ps ago.. which might not seem like much, especially in the future, but that's over two weeks ago* at the time of writing, or just under a fourth of Com'c's entire archive. Which I guess is still not a lot, but it sure feels like it.

*P.S.: Seven str'ps ago was over two weeks ago, not the future.

The squared bee in this str'p was something of a last minute decision, while I was making the dialogue. I was thinking about how a reader would read "a squared b" - that it could look like it meant a letter b that was squared, instead of a2b. Result? A squared bee. It helped me out, too, given that I didn't have a title for the str'p.

The script for this str'p hasn't actually been included in my script notes on my phone. It was taken directly from the scribble book and edited a little. The reason I decided to use it today (as opposed to some other day) is that it seemed fitting because I had a full-day exam in math today, including algebra (the script was made back when we were at that chapter).

One of the more notable edits that were done in the making was a complete rewrite of Jane's dialogue in panel 2. In the original script, she continued with the next line of algebra instead of jumping straight to the answer, not noticing John was even there.

Finally, in case you were wondering: Yes, I am going to do something with the fact that Vee (still) thinks Jane is Marc's mother.