Com'c #245

Votes keep falling on my head.

Commentary Transcript

- Beginning of the storyline

- Vee and the UFO at the top

Well, excuse me, Jane, who is the author here? ...okay, yes, it is sort of a cop-out, but there's more to it than that. That's all I'm going to say for now. ;-)

The beanstalk appears to have turned into something a bit more human-sized. I originally intended it to become a normal-sized cucumber (or something like that), but that would be about two pixels big in the str'p, unless I ventured into the territory of the mythical demons known as Hands again.

Anyway, Ympugr is one beeping beep beeper beeping the beep beeping beep beep of a pottymouth. Like, wow.

Edit 1: Moved everything in panel 3 (except the sun) to the left a bit in order to centralize it better.

Edit 2: I forgot GPTPR's mask.