Com'c #99

Publiseringsdato: 21.jun.2014 11:58:51

It's never too cold to vote for Com'c!


Wow, such colorful language.

It's no secret that I'm a patriot and very proud of my country and of being Norwegian.

This doesn't mean I'm above making some fun out of it and its stereotypes, though. :-)

End of 10 C (or 2014 C)

- Did you see this surprise special?

So now it's over. There's no more 2014 C. Thursday (yesterday, considering I'm writing this yesterday, i.e. today, to post it tomorrow, i.e. today) was an emotional rollercoaster, spanning every emotion from sadness (to the point of crying, which I do only with a good reason) to hyperactive joy. But all in all, it ended up being a good closure of these three wonderful years.

Com'c #100

Next up, we have Com'c #100, which is awesome. Er... thrilling? I told you I need to cut down on my usage of "awesome". Anyway, I did mention in the commentary for #98 that I plan to have something special for #100, and I'm sticking to that. In fact, I spent a good part of the last five hours making it. Some of you might like it, others might not, but I hope as many of you as possible will enjoy it. :-)