Com'c #108

How girl get pragnent? Votes.


- If you're unfamiliar with "How is babby formed?", go here.

The asker had this coming, really, asking a question on a site run by the DBS.

Panel two is probably the most complex panel I ever made for Com'c, and a huge reason it's a bit late. I had already made the screen and keyboard pre-Twex, but I left it un-Twexed. Luckily, this version of Paint doesn't have the problem that made Twexing take so much time. If only I'd used it a few months back. But still, the pre-Twex keyboard suffered from the lack of space on the keys, so I took some time to make them look a lot better. Then there's the design of DBS Answers, which took much longer. It looks like shit, but that's intentional. You can't expect the people behind the Daily Bullsh*t to have a good website, can you? And yes, that's all Comic Sans MS, except the *clickity* and the URL.

Meanwhile, the word bubble... rectangle in panel 3 (if it isn't clear, that's John's answer to the question) is almost certainly the longest/largest word bubble in the history of Com'c.

It's very tempting to defictionalize DBS Answers. If I create a forum for Com'c (Would you guys like me to do that? Let me know!), I think I'll make a subforum where people can ask questions and get silly replies from other people. :-)