Com'c #180

iajpgasprgaprghågpåwåovpetwåeit¨pwvåe wåqmpemtcvåwei¨ptqvmcwptmiwep¨cpëwqoqwceom¨pweoqt¨p... okay, "vote for Com'c" should show up aaany moment now...

Commentary Transcript

The Wikipedia article on this theorem may not be the best one I've seen, but it's surprisingly funny. It is the origin of my new favorite phrase from Wikipedia: "[...] 10360,641 universes made of atomic monkeys." (I briefly considered making "Atomic Monkeys" the title of the str'p.) It also has this wonderful section.*

In case it's not clear, the title is referring to the "every text possible" category, not the "better than anything a human has ever written" category. Last time I checked, I was a human, so my scripts are automatically exempt from the latter...

Now, let's all pause to consider the fact that the monkey would also recreate "My Immortal".**

* In case it gets changed in the future, this paragraph references this revision.

** Not recommended for audiences under the age of 13, at the age of 13, or over the age of 13. May contain peanuts. Trigger warnings: Self-harming, swearing, Mary Sue-ness, a total of one canon character who says something in-character, inconsistencies, hilariously bad spelling, hilariously bad storytelling, hilariously bad plot, and who am I kidding, there is no plot. (In all honesty, it's actually kind of funny if you don't take it seriously. Make sure to interpret bad spelling literally if possible...)