Com'c Christmas Special 2014

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Commentary Transcript

- Authentic


I originally meant to have Santa's beard not fully grown out, but then I googled "beard growth one year". I'm actually kind of glad that it grows that fast, because I think he looks a lot better with it than he would without it.

Santa is huge compared to Jane because why not. (And because I'd have to redraw one of the characters entirely if I wanted to fix it.) Some explanations for how he can get down chimneys have him change size at will, so who's to say he can't choose to be big when in his sled? It would even help him - big guy, big sled, more room for gifts and zombies.

Jane's hand and scissors were the hardest part in terms of drawing. It's difficult to draw someone holding scissors in their hand, as seen from the same side that hand is on, when using yourself as a model. (Bah, I really don't like drawing hands.)

All in all, I'm rather pleased with how this turned out. :-)