End of 10 C


Class 2014C forever.


Yes, I know I said there wouldn't be a str'p today.

Yes, I know this is not funny.

But I had to do this.

Today is the last day of tenth grade. The diploma ceremony is in about four hours, followed by a goodbye "dinner" for the class.

I should be happy. It's a milestone. But I'm mostly just sad.

After today, I'm afraid I might lose contact with many of my best friends. Several of them are moving. Many of the ones that don't will go different lines than me at videregående, so we won't interact much at school. I'm a bit introverted, so I'm not very good at taking the initiative outside school.

I love this class. Every single one of the people named above is absolutely fantastic.

Please don't leave me behind.

(I'm crying now.)