Com'c #64

Woah, stuff just got big.

Maybe that means big votes too?


I've never wanted more feedback for a str'p than I do right now. As should be pretty obvious if you're not a new reader starting at this str'p, this str'p is a lot larger than normal. Double size, to be exact.

This str'p is an experiment in several ways. The most obvious one is size. I'll get back to that soon. But there's also a much more minor change here. Can you spot it? If not, compare with this str'p.

As for the size, I've been wanting to experiment with this for a while. I've tried a couple of times and multiplied by five, but found that it didn't work out well. Now I've multiplied with two, which is still a big change, and probably a bit better than five for now. The result is that the characters get a little blurry in the edges, which can be fixed if I decide to continue with this. On the other hand, it helps A LOT with my one biggest problem so far: panel space. It also contributes towards making use of the best piece of feedback I've had so far, from HiroOdan.

Relative to the characters, the text in the speech bubbles may seem like the smallest yet. But it's 10 pt, the size I normally use for the str'p number and title. For comparison, the regular text size was originally 8 pt and later lowered to 7 pt for panel space. In this str'p, I've used 17 pt for the number and title. I have not replaced "Com'c by Krixwell" and the copyright mark, which is why those are blurry.

Of course, this is not how Com'c will start looking from now on. It's more of a crude experiment. I'm thinking I should work towards a change to this size, refining things a bit, but as I said at the beginning of the commentary, feedback would be VERY appreciated on this. What do you think? Please tell me. Here's the link to the contact page. Here, have another link to the contact page! You've deserved it.

The next str'p will go back to regular size, for the time being.