Fan art: GFT and GPTPR movie poster by Brinjal!

(click for large version)

*cough* hint *cough*


- From this str'p

This great* piece of fan art, as I mentioned in an earlier commentary or two, was made by Brinjal, who apparently just won't stop being awesome. Thanks!

I personally love this. The drawing of the characters themselves, the costumes (I particularly like the Green-and-Purple Toilet Paper** Roll's cape), their powers, the tagline, the reviews... This is absolutely brilliant*.

* I'd say "awesome", but I think I use that word too much. It loses meaning after a while.

** The word "Paper" was cut for space. I find it believable that the movie industry might do that, really.

While talking to Brinjal (right now) about whether he had anything that he wanted me to include in this commentary, I realized the entire e-mail he sent with the fan art is practically an artist commentary. So why not put it here? Brinjal agreed, so here you have his own personal artist commentary:

Remember when I made that joke announcement about a movie for those characters? Well I like drawing, and I was bored, so I drew a poster for that movie.

I wonder if there are any particular notable tropes visible here. I might start by pointing out that "Most Common Superpower" was averted, partially because I didn't want to include it (despite considering it) and partially because my usual tactic of "Need accurate proportions? Check a mirror!" would fall flat on it's face here. Of course, I could have used reference images, but see the first reason.

As a bit of artist commentary, I'll say that I'm not quite sure how they got a star rating in the third review. Best guess they said,

"Would you rate this one star?"

"Would you rate this two stars?"

"Would you rate this three stars?"

"Would you rate this four stars?"

"Well that's settled then! Five it is! What should we write as your comment?"

Now that I think of it, the second one is quite possibly more perplexing as to the source of the rating.

Anyway, I hope you like this, and be sure to catch this movie in 3-D as Hereton's biggest heroes face off against the dastardly Brown Underpants!


(If anyone is confused about "Most Common Superpower", that's the trope about female superheroes tending to be large-breasted.)

Brinjal challenged me to find tropes, so here we go...

Tropes I can spot: (TVTropes links, click at own risk)

There are probably more tropes present, but this commentary's long enough as it is and looking them up takes time. :)

Thanks again for your art, Brinjal! :-D