Com'c #150

Com'c for take please on moment vote to a TWC.


I'm not sure to what extent the original joke in panel 3 is clear, as the pun on the New World Order is sort of obscured by space issues preventing me from using a "the" in the DBS headline and by the fact that headlines are written in Title Case.

Besides the joke, this str'p establishes a few things about TQ that have been canon for a while but haven't been properly addressed in-comic in his earlier appearances:

    • His last name is Cervelle. This is the last name of Marc and Jane as well.

    • He is a movie star. This was touched on in the anniversary special, but not quite established.

    • He's a cool guy.

I did my best to prevent the title of the Scarlet Stain series from overlapping with anything real. A quick Google search found only a few things like a Christian hard rock band and what appears to be a Christian children's book, but I figure neither is likely to cause confusion.