Com'c #154

Blacksmiths like to vote it vote it.


- Gagging

- "I'm, er, moving in." (Huh. The name was apparently brought up by someone back then.)

Block Smith. Yes.

The reason Krixwell gives in the str'p is the same as the meta reason - I was discussing possible last names for Block with my girlfriend (yes, I have a girlfriend ^_^) and in response to a question about what Block himself would prefer, I tried to think of something normal, something without any sort of joke or meaning relating to the character (and which flowed nicely after "Block")... and came up with "Block Smith" before I realized that it was punny. I liked it, and it stuck. :-)

At this point all the named characters except Garry and Rick have last names behind the scenes:

    • Marc, Jane and TQ Cervelle

    • Victor Guardiano

    • John Blague

    • Cal and Vee Meletie

    • Ella Mint

    • Iris Blick

    • Ernie and Clyde Vasveki

    • Block Smith

    • Krixwell Jace