Com'c #184


Commentary Transcript

- Halo (Wikipedia)

- "Halo" by Beyoncé (YouTube)

And we're back!*

The geology teacher off the side of panel one is named Peter Montgomery. I tried to make the font convey the idea that he talks like a boring school textbook and rather monotonously, but I'm not sure how well I succeeded at that. I'm sure Mr. Montgomery will be the most important character in Com'c.

Mr. Montgomery is fortunately not based on any real teachers I've had (and if he was, it certainly wouldn't be my geology teacher). If you have a someone who teaches like this, I don't envy you.

Most of the time spent on this str'p (a significant amount; the str'p is now almost an hour late) went into panel three.

(*For future context: I was forced to skip the last two updates because of poor time management and a boring school assignment.)