Senior Spotlight: Joyce Chen (12-2)

Kaddy Ren (11-3)

As senior captain, what will you miss the most about the girl's tennis team?

I love the people. The sport is a lot more likable because of the team. Especially this year since tennis has been with me for the past four years, I’ve been able to see the team grow into such a fulfilling community. In retrospect, I didn’t always love the tennis [team], but this year I have developed a newfound appreciation. It’s been nice to have other seniors on the team and take a leadership position that once belonged to people who I look up to... It's going to be really hard leaving next year. I’ll especially miss all the juniors. When we’re on the tennis courts, I actually get really sentimental about not being there next year… Yeah, we’re not the biggest sports team, but everyone is so genuinely hard working and nice to be around.

What is your favorite senior perk?

Not feeling as shy or embarrassed all the time. You know when you walk into a random classroom to get something or talk to a teacher? I used to get this sinking feeling and think “I’m gonna look so embarrassing”, but now I really couldn't care less. 

What was your favorite class that you took in high school?

I really liked junior year gym. I was a baller. I would show up and show out. Ask Hannah [Sollie]… (Hannah shakes her head no) I found a talent for shooting hoops, but only when there’s no one there to defend me. 

A close second is junior year APLAC. Shoutout to Mr. Olson for writing my rec letter.

What is your favorite Masterman memory or event?

There’s not really a singular moment for me, but I would say I favor competitive environments like playing tennis, especially against Central, spirit week, and getting good grades after a rough semester.

How do you think living in a female-dominated household has affected you?

Getting to live with my mom, my grandmother, and my two sisters, I would say it’s really liberating. Part of the reason why I got into dying my hair is because normally femininity and self-expression were things my dad discouraged. And it’s also just more comfortable being around women. You can talk about the things that you want. You don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m very grateful to have the lifestyle I do.

Any funny job stories?

Working minimum wage at [REDACTED] has humbled me so much. My boss has been trying to get me back there, but unless they’re gonna pay me more… I don’t think so. Funnily enough, work has taught me to find joy in the little things. The gratification I used to get from seeing a two dollar tip was humbling to say the least. Mind you, my tips were taxed. Thank god I quit.

What is something people don’t know about you?

I’m a big lover of salad without dressing. 

What’s your go-to salad recipe?

Raw lettuce. No cheese. No croutons. No dressing. Add some corn and chicken, too. That’s it.

Do you have any advice for your freshman self?

The middle finger isn’t cool. Put it away. 

What is something you want to try for the first time in college?

I want to buy a scooter and I want to have a car. I also think it would be so cool to try out something totally new like equestrianism. 

What has been your favorite Halloween costume?

Definitely Ariel the mermaid. I miss when we all used to dress up as Disney princesses for Halloween when we were younger. I had a fire collection of Disney princess dresses… it was my costume every year until I turned ten years old.

What’s your Halloween costume this year?

Magic Mike.