Nicole Tsisin (12-2) Senior Spotlight

Natalia Bieszczad ('24)

What has been your favorite experience as president of economics club?

My favorite experience has been recruiting people for the Global Investment Competition for Wharton because that is something I did as a participant of economics club in previous years. I love being able to take the initiative and lead the group in hopefully winning through sharing my knowledge and experiences that I gained from being in their same spot not too long ago.  Through the competitions, weekly slideshows, and guest presentations, I love being able to inspire the members to join the business world while also exploring my own interests. 

Tell us about your time as a part of the Masterman Debate team.

I joined Debate in my freshman year which was an online year. Despite that, I learned so much about so many niche topics every month which was very interesting and fun. I continued debating throughout high school though because of the public speaking skills I gained which are so important for every career. 

What is interesting to you about business?

I’ve always been interested in how business and economics affects every aspect of the world we live in. I’m especially intrigued by the intersections of business and social impact. I find that you can shape your world with finance and human perspective. I hope to be a responsible member of the industry and make lasting change.

What is some advice you would give your freshman self?

Don’t get discouraged! Coming to Masterman you’re going to have to learn to take a lot of L’s but it is important to learn from them and not give up.

What is your favorite Masterman memory?

Junior year spirit week, despite the white team’s loss, was so much fun. I felt the Masterman community finally come together and I made so many great memories. Hopefully we can take last year’s spirit to the next level this year and win. Go white team!

Which teacher at Masterman do you most look up to and why?

I look up to Mr. Gilken the most. He has genuinely been one of the most supportive and helpful teachers in the school. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I am today.

You are one of the top female chess players in Pennsylvania, how did you discover that hobby and achieve that rank?

My grandmother taught me to play chess when I was very young when she was visiting us in America. I played with her all the time and when she went back to Ukraine I started to play with others as it was something that I genuinely enjoyed. I eventually got a tutor/coach and began practicing at least for an hour every week and then through many competitions I made my way up to that rank.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

I see myself working in finance or consulting in a big city.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would go anywhere warm because it is way too cold outside right now. Maybe Miami.

What is the top activity on your bucket list?

I’ve always wanted to go parasailing. It's a fun summer activity for a warm beach day (which I love) and even though it’s simple I have yet to do it so it's the first thing I want to check off.

What song describes your life right now?

“All I Do is Win” by DJ Kaled.