Nicolas Dorazio Senior Spotlight

Kaddy Ren '25

What inspired you to start managing tennis this year? 

I first picked the sport up in June, which initially inspired me to join the team. I knew I wanted to explore it more, while also being in an environment that wasn’t overly stressful or critical. Sort of like a last hurrah before heading off to college. I also find a lot of value in the structure that sports teams provide. Without the tennis team, I would have never blocked out so much time in my day or had the chance to grow closer to those on the team.

What is an item on your bucket list?

I’ve always wanted to learn martial arts. One, for discipline. Two, part of me has this weird hunch that I’m going to end up in a situation where I’ll need it. Not that I’m saying I want to know how to fight, but it would be really cool to learn such an elegant form of self-defense and possibly reconnect with my culture through the practice.

What motivates you to learn new languages?

For about five years now, my goal has been to become a polyglot by 25 years old. Currently, I’m counting that I’ve acquired English and French, and I’m working towards Spanish, Italian, and Korean. Mandarin, also, as an offshoot.

When I was in Canada last year, I had conversations fully in French, which was super rewarding. Actually, there was this funny encounter I had in French with a banker there. I had really wanted to buy this cheap candy, but no one at the store could recognize the dollar I was trying to pay with. So I went to the bank, where the banker explained to me that my bill had been out of circulation for around 50 years. The experience made me realize there’s just so much more out there, so many people to meet, and just more fun to be had, which gets a lot easier to explore when you can communicate in multiple languages. 

What is your fondest memory at Masterman?

It’s hard for me to choose because I try to enjoy every day, but if I had to say, I would choose NHD states weekend and morning badminton practices.

What have you gotten from your role as a SAC student delegate?

It has been really nice to see all the inner workings of the school. It drives me crazy how much I don’t know, so oftentimes I would rather spend an extra hour and a half of my life in a meeting and see the steps being taken towards progress than not know anything at all. It’s really important to me that student voice is represented in some form, as it has been historically underrepresented at Masterman. Not to mention, the lack of representation for middle school students. As someone with a younger brother at Masterman, I want to know what changes he will be affected by. Part of me is like, “I’m outta here!”, but at the same time, this school has given me so much, and it doesn’t feel right to suddenly turn my back on the community that has gotten me to where I am today.

Favorite DIY?

Anything practical. For example, I customized all 40 Root2Success shirts myself to cut costs on CustomInk pricing. It took me a solid 30 to 40 hours, but the cost per shirt in materials alone was barely over $3. 

Favorite song from 1989 Taylor’s Version?

Suburban Legends, Wonderland, and a classic– This Love.

How has the Vibe Magazine impacted your time at Masterman?

Joining Vibe in 9th grade opened the door to such a warm community that I don’t think I would have interacted with otherwise. Jocelyn and Ellie, for example. The club has also exposed me to so much raw, artistic talent, which is always inspiring to see. 

Submit to Vibe at!

Advice for the people?

Don’t blame yourself for having emotions or try to repress them. The world is a better place because everyone is unique. 

Anything else to add?

Eat noodles and don’t get blown up by the microwave (meecrowwavay).