Rennie Lee Senior Spotlight

Dante Daniel 24'

You are in Girl Scouts. How was your experience in Girl Scouts and how could you rate their cookies?

I’ve been in Girl Scouts for 11 years. I am an ambassador, which is the oldest level, and you graduate out. Everyone in Girl Scouts has a connection with each other. I really love community service, and I think the best thing I can do is give out. We collaborate with a lot of other organizations like Caring for Friends where we package food and give them out to people in need. I would give all Girl Scouts’ [cookies] 10/10 (even if I can’t eat some of them).  

Another community service organization you are a part of is the Philadelphia Student Union. What is your role in this organization and what were your experiences?

I have been there for 4 years and I have been a leader for 3 years. I’m part of their Youth Leadership Team, and I’m a student member on their board. They [YLT] are basically leaders at their respective schools. I’ve met a lot of great people there. It’s a great introduction into social and local politics. 

You are an experienced mock trial attorney. How did you enjoy doing it?

I became friends with Sophie and Malcolm (Class of 2022) who restarted a mock trial five years ago. A lot of credit goes to them for rebuilding it. I was super involved for all 4 years, and my sophomore year Sophie made me and Joanna (‘24) the leaders. I just love it so much. It is so fun and you become really close with your team and you learn so much about a specific weird case. It is really good if you want to practice public speaking or if you like to talk. We have a lot of juniors and seniors, so once we graduate, freshmen and sophomores please join!

What is your favorite subject in Masterman?

I really enjoyed APLAC or Music Tech. I think APLAC was really interesting when Mr. Olson came in. I really connected with him and I had really good discussions with him. In Music Tech during sophomore year, we had a lot of fun and we learned how to edit videos and record videos. I still use my expertise in editing software to this day.

You did the Monell Science Apprenticeship Program. What is the program like and how did you enjoy it? 

Well, I was initially rejected and then I got into the program later. It is a high school and college program. I was 15 at the time so I didn’t know anything  about science yet. But it introduced me to the practical use of science, and it was so fun. The lectures were great and I connected with a lot of students that I am still friends with. They also gave me the opportunity to become a research intern, so I’ve been a student research intern there for three years.

What are your hobbies?

I love doing crosswords, sudoku, the New York Times games, and playing cards. 

What is your favorite TV show or movie?

My favorite TV show is either Community or Bojack Horseman. 

What is one thing you’ll miss when you leave Masterman?

The community. We’ve all known each other for so long. We have been here for  8 years, so it is going to be a loss.