
Natalia Bieszczad '24

As rosters were revealed in mid August students rushed to Infinite Campus where their next school year would be revealed. Investigating their classes, teachers, and rotations with excitement, the class of 2024 was surprised with an unexpected elective, forensics. Many, only learning about this new to Masterman class shortly before the first day of school, were left with many questions. What was the reason for the new class? Why forensics? How would this class look?

This decision dates back to the spring of last year. As Masterman planned to switch from an eight period schedule to a seven period schedule with an additional shift to A-B days some of the science teachers were light on classes. As a result, administration asked the science department to create a new half credit elective that would counterbalance the senior seminar class. Mr. Zimny and Mr. Comfort, two science teachers, in collaboration with Mr. Roache in the roster office settled on teaching forensics. As they both have experience teaching this course and Masterman students already have a rigorous schedule, they wanted to give the seniors a chance to have fun in the classroom. Mr Zimny adds that it distinguishes itself as it allows teachers to assess students on fingerprinting and other hands on lessons which students “that aren’t great test takers do well on.” 

As we progress in the year, Mr. Comfort, Mr. Zimny, and Mr. Prince find that students enjoy the class, especially after a long day of material heavy classes. The students partake in various projects such as simulated crime scenes and even watching crime TV shows. Kristina Kitsul (12-1) shares “although I was uninterested in forensics it is one of my favorite electives I have taken in high school.” 

Despite forensics being an initial shock to the seniors, it has become an exciting option for students. Being one of the first new classes at Masterman in a long time, it opens up new doors for future elective opportunities and fun for its students.