Adriana Buvac-Drndic Senior Spotlight

Gavriela Kalish-Schur 24'

You run Science Olympiad, how has that shaped your high school experience?

I’ve spent so much time in Mr. Zimny’s room– which today if you didn’t know, is 89 degrees because of how the heating in this building works. I think Science Olympiad has given me a new sense of confidence and leadership that I didn’t have before- it also forced me to learn organizational skills, which I previously refused to learn. It is a very team-heavy club because all 15 of us rostered for any given invitational have to do well in our events to place well, so organizing everyone has been something I’ve had to learn how to do. It has also given me a sense of community and a safe space in 502 to create, explore, and delve into these new topics that we don’t otherwise have classes for at Masterman. I discovered my passion for astronomy, earth sciences, and applied mathematics which I wouldn’t necessarily done otherwise.  When I first joined, I was encouraged by my upperclassmen, who had such a genuine love for STEM and the success of the club (shoutout Chelse, Noël, and Nadija!), and I hope to have a similar effect on the grades to come. We made history last year by making it to the Pennsylvania State competition and I’m excited to see the promising future of the team. 

What is the biggest lesson you have learned from being a rower?

I think patience and grit. I had an injury that was frustrating to deal with, which taught me a new sense of work ethic. It’s a super intense sport that requires so many hours of training per week while also juggling academics and clubs. The recruitment process was also really time-consuming. I spent the whole summer emailing coaches, talking to them on the phone, and filling out recruitment forms. You never know what you will get back, so it's about accepting failure and taking what you can get. Ultimately, in the end, all the hard work and years of dedication end up being worth it.

What is your favorite memory from MussMD?

I think playing at the School District building for Dr.Watlington’s Town Hall address. We didn’t expect that many people to be there, but the turnout was huge with the whole entire district staff. We had never had adults supporting us like that, and they liked us. It was fun because we got to miss a day of school to hang out and play the music that we enjoy while also feeling productive and important.

What is one thing you wish you could change about Masterman?

As a public school, we don’t have a lot of funding or organizational support for clubs like Science Olympiad or Debate. We are always going against schools that have so much more funding and have coaches for everything. Also, I wish there was more communication between the administration, the teachers, and the students before decisions are made that affect us. 

What are you most looking forward to in college?

I want to join a marching band really bad. I’ve been doing orchestra since 6th grade, so I really like the orchestral togetherness of a big ensemble. Being apart of a marching band with the uniforms and the school spirit in a big field sounds like so much fun!

What is your favorite song?

Let me check my Spotify. I’d say one of the ones we played for MussMD, Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. Even though it's one of the easier songs I’ve played on the drums it's so calm and relaxing, and it ends up sounding good once we play it together as a band. Gwen and Maeve harmonize so well on it that it makes me tear up for real.