Havana Convington (12-4) Senior Spotlight

Kristina Kitsul ('24)

What is your favorite activity you are involved with at Masterman?

My favorite activity has to be softball. I have developed a really strong connection with Mr. O'Neill, our coach, and I love the team spirit we have developed on the team. It’s been really fun and I can’t wait for this year's season. It’s so upsetting that it’s my last one. 

Who is your favorite teacher at Masterman?

My favorite teacher at Masterman has to be Mr. Gilken because he has always given me any and all the support I’ve needed. In middle school after a presentation he told me I was a good presenter, and that has stuck with me ever since, especially when I get nervous about something. 

What are you thinking of majoring in and why?

I’m thinking of majoring in communications or public relations, depending on the school I go to because not all schools have the major. I want to major in this because it can prepare me for a career in fields like media relations, journalism, and marketing. It’s also a very general major so I feel like I can go into almost any field with this. I did a summer program at Penn that was global culture and communication studies which also helped me choose my major. 

What is your favorite artist of all time?

I don’t really have one of them but lately I’ve been loving Laufey. I feel like she just sings about what a lot of people are thinking, and I love jazz. 

How do you feel about graduating?

I’m really excited about graduating. I’ve made a lot of really good memories and I am so ready to see what comes next in my life.

As a leader of Socials Book Club, what is your favorite part about the club?

Honestly just learning new things from all the discussions we’ve had throughout the years and hearing how people are able to have differing opinions without being disrespectful (most of the time).

What advice do you have for the younger grades? 

Some advice that I would give to the younger grades would be don’t give up your life for high school and balance is key. If you spend all your time indulging in school and you don’t let yourself have fun and have a social life then it’s not worth it. Part of high school is being able to grow both socially and emotionally and you can’t really do that if you restrain yourself from having a good time. I’m not saying don’t study but find the right balance for you. Make sure you live in the moment, it can be really easy to get caught up in the future because that’s how you lose track of what’s right in front of you. 

What is your favorite food place?

I am a big Honeygrow enthusiast. 

What is something on your bucket list?

Something on my bucket list would be to travel the world with my friends and people I love.