Talk to a Therapist Online for Help with Anxiety and Depression

Online Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression

Online Psychotherapist - See a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for highly effective online counseling for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other emotional problems, including PTSD

Online psychotherapy is extremely effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your sessions together with your therapist

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and arrange for a Skype therapy session with me. Your inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have helped over the years really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I unreservedly recommend engaging Peter’s services in, what has been for me, an extremely effective method of learning about my inner self in ways that I’ve never been able to achieve before."


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See an Online Psychotherapist for help with Anxiety & Depression

Learn how to better manage anxiety or depression. Speak to a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any other forms of emotional stress not requiring medical treatment. Contact me to discover more about this online counseling service and to book a therapy session via Skype with me.

Would you like to talk to a therapist online through Skype? If so, please do go to my website and learn more about the online therapy service that I provide.

Online therapy through Skype is a very good alternative for getting the help that you are looking for to manage anxiety or depression or addiction. It is a lot more convenient, of course, for you because you don't have to leave home.

For many people, leaving home is quite a problem if you are suffering from anxiety or agoraphobia or have difficulty with driving, suffering from driving anxiety, then it may not be easy for you to leave home, so the online therapy option becomes vert attractive indeed.

As long as you can see each other, that is that you have Skype then the quality of communication is really no different than meeting a therapist in-person.

The focus of good online therapy is the same as in-person therapy: It is to effectively teach you more effective ways of working with your emotions so that you don't become a victim of patterns of habitual emotional reactivity.

Good psychotherapy is about giving you the skills and the confidence to be able to overcome your anxiety or depression yourself, and that is exactly what I provide during these online Skype therapy sessions.

My skills is in the area of Mindfulness Therapy, which is a system that I developed many years ago now and that I talk about in my book, 'The Path of Mindfulness Meditation' and the whole focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to teach you effective ways of working with your emotions so that you break out of that cycle of becoming a victim of your emotions.

So, if you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and if you are interested in scheduling a session over Skype with me, then please do go to my website, learn more about online therapy and then, when you are ready to schedule a session with me, simply EMAIL ME and then we can find a time that works for you as well as for me. So, I look forward to hearing from you and helping you through online therapy. Thank you!

Learn more about Online Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of Anxiety and Depression and for Addiction Counseling Online via Skype.

Email me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to book an online therapy session with me.

This online therapy service is available throughout the USA, UK and Western Europe and world-wide. All you need is a reliable internet connection and you are ready to start Skype therapy with Dr. Strong.


Would you like to talk to a therapist online in private?

Learn how to eliminate anxiety or depression. Speak with a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) or any other emotional problems not requiring medical treatment. Contact me to discover more about this online counseling service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist and I offer online therapy via Skype. If you'd like to talk to a therapist online anonymously, I invite you to go to my website and learn more about the online therapy service that I provide. Simply email me with any questions you have about online therapy and I'll be happy to answer them, and when you feel ready we can schedule a Skype therapy session. 

People prefer the anonymity and greater privacy offered by online therapy. It makes it much easier for you because you can have your sessions at home, in the privacy of your own home, without having to talk to a therapist in person or visit a therapist's office, which can be a little intimidating to many people, especially if you're suffering from anxiety, depression or addiction. So if you're interested in the online therapy services I provide do please email me and we can schedule a trial therapy session over Skype. 

During the trial therapy session, you will see it yourself just how effective this approach is. I offer mindfulness therapy because that's my particular interests and many people seek me out because of my interests and expertise in this area of mindfulness therapy. This is a system that I developed several years ago now, and works very well through Skype. 

Really what you need more than anything, I would suggest, is to learn how to manage your emotions more effectively, how to break the habit of becoming overwhelmed by your anxiety or depression or compulsion. And also learning to create the right internal conditions that help those emotional states heal and change. 

The real problem for most people is that they become habitually identified with their emotions and that they react to them with avoidance or aversion. So identification, avoidance and aversion are the primary problems that stop anxiety and depression from healing.

Mindfulness is the opposite. It teaches you how to develop balance in relationship to your emotions and thoughts. It teaches you how to break that habit of becoming identified and overwhelmed. It teaches you how to develop greater conscious awareness, which is what emotions need in order to heal. And it teaches you how to develop non-aversion, or friendliness towards those emotions that are trying to heal within you. 

When you push your emotions away they will not heal. It's only when you actually learn to develop a friendly and therefore a conscious relationship with them that they can heal. And in most cases they heal quite quickly and in direct proportion to how friendly you are with your own emotions. We all know the importance of facing your emotions. 

Well, when you develop friendliness to your painful emotions you are increasing the benefits of that wise advice many, many times over, because friendliness increases conscious engagement with whatever you are friendly towards, and this is precisely what anxiety and depression needs. It needs your friendliness and your consciousness in order to heal. 

So if you are looking for greater privacy and you are interested in the anonymity of online therapy and if you're interested in the mindfulness approach, I invite you to email me and let's schedule a trial therapy session. Thank you. 


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Talk to a Therapist Online for Help with Anxiety and Depression

Talk to a Therapist Online for Help with Anxiety and Depression