Online Counseling Therapy

Online Counseling Therapy - Talk to a therapist online via Skype

Talk to an Online Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression

Speak with a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online treatment for Depression and Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other emotional problems, including PTSD and Traumatic Stress.

Online therapy is very effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your therapy sessions together with your therapist.

Contact me to discover more about this online psychotherapy service and book a Skype session with me. General inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Mindfulness therapy has helped me with my anxiety in a very significant way. No longer am I bound to my anxiety in a continuous circle. I’ve been able to see my anxiety for what it truly is, and it has liberated me. Thank you Peter."


Online Counseling Therapy Service

Find an Online Therapist for Help with Anxiety, Depression or Addiction

This Online Psychotherapy Service will allow you to speak to a therapist online to get help for treating anxiety, depression, addictions and other forms of emotional stress, without having to leave home. This is very convenient for most people, and for those suffering from agoraphobia or social anxiety, online psychotherapy sessions may be the only choice available.

Being able to talk to a psychotherapist online via Skype is also a wonderful option if you are living abroad or if you live in a rural area. There are now many online psychotherapists to choose from. Generally, I recommend that you interview the psychotherapist via email or an introductory Skype session to make sure that the therapist is a good match for you and that you feel comfortable talking to him or her.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist living in Boulder, Colorado, and I offer Online Psychotherapy via Skype. Please contact me if you would like to speak with a therapist online.

Online therapy is a very convenient service if you live in a rural area or if you live abroad, or if you really prefer the convenience of being able to talk to a psychotherapist online via Skype. Most people prefer the greater privacy and anonymity of online therapy.

So, the style of psychotherapy that I provide and is described on my online therapy website is called Mindfulness Therapy. Now, this is a very exciting and very unique way of working with difficult emotions, including anxiety, depression and trauma. Mindfulness-based therapy is certainly one of the best approaches for overcoming anxiety and depression.

The Mindfulness approach is one of learning how to sit with your emotions, how to be present with your emotions without becoming reactive. It's the reactivity that stops emotions from healing, from changing and transforming. Mindfulness teaches us how to be with our emotions without becoming reactive, without becoming overwhelmed by the emotion, without becoming consumed by it. During our online therapy sessions I will teach you exactly how to do this.

Mindfulness Therapy is very good for working with anxiety and depression, or emotional stress or trauma, as I said. It is also very good for working with addictions. Addictions, as you know, are driven by very strong compulsive emotions, and to break free of these emotions requires that you learn how to sit with those same compulsive emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. This is a skill that I teach during online psychotherapy sessions.


If you would like to learn more about online psychotherapy via Skype, please go over to my online therapy website and read the pages on that site, watch the other videos that I have posted there and learn about this style of working with emotions. Then, if it you would like to talk to a therapist online, please CONTACT ME. I welcome your inquiries and I look forward to meeting you and helping you overcome your anxiety or depression through online psychotherapy via Skype.

Online Therapy is becoming increasingly popular these days since most of us have a computer and access to the internet. 

Skype, if you don't already know, is a free service that allows you to make video calls from one computer to another. In my experience, this is one of the best ways to talk to a therapist online. It feels the same as seeing a therapist in the office, except that you, the client, can call from home or from the office, or even from a hotel room if you are traveling.

Most people feel much more comfortable and relaxed calling from home, and it is certainly less embarrassing than waiting in the therapist's office. This is an important consideration if you are suffering from Social Anxiety or Agoraphobia. In fact, if you suffer from agoraphobia, then online therapy may be the only realistic alternative.

You may also live abroad, or live in a rural area in the US where there are no local therapists available, or that you would feel comfortable talking to.

Talking to an Online Therapist via Skype is also a great option for people who are a little uncomfortable with therapy and counseling in general. The internet option gives you more of a sense of power; that you have more control over the process.

The style of Online Therapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, a modern form of CBT, or Cognitive Therapy, that focuses on teaching you how to break free of those habitual patterns of emotional reactivity that cause our anxiety, depression and emotional stress. It is also a very compassionate approach that teaches you how to heal core emotions that have remained unresolved.

Talk with a Therapist Online over Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any other forms of emotional stress not requiring medical treatment. Email me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to book a Skype therapy session with me.


The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong: Skype-Based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home. 


Speak to a therapist online via Skype

People really like the convenience of online therapy and my clients like an approach that focuses on teaching practical mindfulness methods that you can apply by yourself...

If you would like to talk with a therapist online I invite you to go to my website and learn more about online psychotherapy via Skype. 

I find it very effective and most of my clients really enjoy the online therapy option. It's much easier and more convenient to talk to a therapist online and get help for your anxiety or depression or other emotional problems than it is to go to a therapist's office. 

It's also much less intimidating for most people. Most people find therapy via Skype to be considerably more comfortable. And this is really quite important because the success of your therapy sessions really largely depends on how comfortable you feel and how quickly you learn what is being taught. 

So during these online therapy sessions I try to really focus on teaching you practical skills and tools that you can apply yourself to help you overcome anxiety and depression, and also for working with addictions. Most of my clients suffer from anxiety so I really specialize in teaching mindfulness based methods for working with anxiety. 

During the therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome your anxiety or other emotional difficulties that you may be experiencing. The mindfulness based approach is very effective indeed and quite easy to learn and generally you can expect to see quite significant changes after the first few sessions. 

Even after the very first session you can expect to see quite dramatic changes and you will get the kind of tools that you can use between sessions to help improve your skills for managing your anxiety. And that's my goal is to give you the tools for working with your anxiety not to become reliant on a therapist and certainly not become reliant on medications. 

Medications to not treat the underlying cause of anxiety. At best they may provide a temporary reduction in the symptoms of anxiety, but they don't treat the underlying cause, so medication is not a long term solution. The only effective long term solution is to learn how to work with your mind, with the thoughts and beliefs, memories and habitual emotional reactivity that feeds your anxiety or depression or addiction. 

So if you'd like to learn more and you'd like to talk with a therapist online via Skype, simply go to my website and please email me if you have any questions and I'll be happy to schedule a trial Skype Therapy session with you, where we can explore some of these principles and I can get you started right away in learning how to apply mindfulness for overcoming your anxiety or depression. Thank you. 


Speak to a Psychotherapist online

If you would like to talk to a therapist online anonymously and in private I encourage you to go to my website and learn more about this online Skype Therapy Service that I offer. 

I specialize in online Mindfulness Therapy which I deliver over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, for help with addictions and many other common psychological and emotional difficulties that don't require medical treatment. 

Many people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy. It feels more comfortable in general if you don't have to meet with a psychotherapist in person. So that's one of the great advantages of online therapy. This greater privacy and greater comfort for you the client. 

Another reason why people like online therapy is because it makes them feel more in charge of their recovery process and this can be very important especially if you are dealing with anxiety or depression or addiction. 

People want to feel empowered. They want to feel that they're learning how to cope with their emotions and not just going to someone for treatment by some methodology or with medications. 

Treatments don't really help you change the underlying cause of your suffering. You have to work with your mind your self and work with the underlying habits that create your anxiety or depression or that fuel your addiction which is often simply a way of coping with depression or other extreme form of emotional suffering or stress. 

So people often come to me for help with addictions. And again they like the anonymity and the privacy offered through online therapy for addiction. It means you can have your sessions without having to leave home. You don't have to go to a facility to receive counseling. 

You can basically work from home with me and I will teach you the necessary skills to manage your emotions so that you don't become overwhelmed by your emotional reactions, whether that's depression or anxiety or difficulty with intrusive thoughts or PTSD, trying to deal with emotional trauma. 

It's the same process. You have to learn how to work with those memories and emotions and thought patterns yourself. And I will teach you how to do this through with a methods of Mindfulness Therapy which are amazingly effective for working with the mind. 

If you'd like to learn more about seeing a therapist in private then please go to my website and feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have about this process. I do not work through insurance companies. This is a private psychotherapy practice. 

So there are no records kept about your medical condition or anything else. This is purely a process where I will work with you and teach you skills for working with your emotions yourself. Most people see tremendous improvements in a relatively short time you should expect to see improvements after the first three to four sessions. 

If you'd like to learn more please email me and let's get started and you can see for yourself the many advantages of working with an online therapist. 


Speak with an Online Therapist via Skype for Anxiety and Depression

Welcome! If you're looking for an online therapist to help you overcome anxiety or depression or addiction or any other common psychological problem that responds well to online therapy then please consider the service that I offer. Visit my website, learn more about online therapy via Skype. 

So online therapy is a great option if you find it difficult to find a therapist in your neighborhoods or if you're living abroad or if you are traveling. Many people prefer the greater privacy offered by online therapy. Being able to speak to a therapist in the privacy of your own home is a significant factor for many people.

So I don't really advocate medications for treating anxiety or depression because medication simply mask symptoms. They may provide a temporary relief, which can have some benefits in certain situations, but it is really important that you understand that medications are not going to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression. That cause is emotional, it's psychological in nature. You have to heal those underlying emotions if you really want to break free from chronic anxiety or depression, and the same goes for addictions as well.

So we focus on two real main areas. One of which is looking at the patterns of reactive thinking that feed anxiety and depression and other intense emotions. It could be guilt, it could be shame, it could be a feeling of helplessness. Whatever it might be, there is always an associated pattern of reactive thinking. 

Now in Mindfulness Therapy we teach it is not the thoughts that create the emotion, the emotion precedes those thoughts, but the thoughts have the effect of feeding the underlying emotions, rather like fuel feeds a fire. But the fuel cannot create more fire if there's no fire to begin with. It's just wood. 

So we need to work with reactive thoughts because they are a very important fuel source for emotional suffering. And mindfulness is about really waking up and seeing those reactive thoughts clearly, consciously in the present. It's this aspect of waking up that is so important, rather than being dragged along by habit, which is what happens so often, and that is the real underlying problem with anxiety and depression.

Another part of mindfulness therapy is developing compassion. Compassion towards yourself. Now in mindfulness therapy that has a very specific meaning. It means developing compassion towards those emotions, themselves, seeing them almost as separate beings or objects within the mind. We often refer to them as being like children and we are like a parent, we need to learn how to help those children heal because they are suffering. So that's a very important process of compassion that we develop in mindfulness training and Mindfulness Therapy.

So if you like the idea of working with an online therapist, you like the convenience and a greater privacy offered by online therapy and you like the idea of working with a Mindfulness Therapist like myself. I have been teaching Mindfulness Therapy for many years now and I have written a book on the subject called "The Path of Mindfulness Meditation" and I find it to be extremely effective, and people really enjoy this approach. 

It really gives you the tools to find a better way of living, of overcoming anxiety and depression or addiction, of breaking free from these very constraining and imprisoning aspects of the Little Self. It allows you to find who you really are and to find the happiness and well being that is your true nature. 

So if you'd like to learn more about all this then please contact me. I've helped hundreds of people now and everyone seems to benefit. Almost everyone has already tried conventional talking therapy. They've tried medications and found them to be completely ineffective most of the time. It can help you in the short term but it doesn't really get to the underlying problems. That's the point here. Mindfulness Therapy does. It helps you really change things at the core level. 

So if this interests you and you'd like to do online therapy with me over Skype then please contact me.   


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