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Speak to a Psychotherapist Online - Therapy via Skype

Online Psychotherapist - Speak with a Therapist Online via Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other emotional problems, including PTSD.

Online psychotherapy is very effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your therapy sessions together with your therapist.

Email me to discover more about this online counseling service and book a therapy session via Skype with me. General inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have helped over the years really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I have been suffering from severe depression and chronic anxiety for over a year now. In the pursuit to heal myself, I came across Peters work online. The insights I have gained from two Skype sessions with Peter, have put me onto a pathway healing and recovery. I am so grateful for Peter’s teaching and would recommend his service wholeheartedly."


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My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional mindfulness therapist specializing in Buddhist psychotherapy, which, of course, focuses very much on changing the process that creates your anxiety, depression, addiction, OCD or PTSD.

The focus in this approach is helping you really change the way you relate to emotional habits like anxiety or depression. The problematic relationship is where that relationship is built on habitual reactive patterns of AVOIDANCE and AVERSION, patterns of turning away from our emotional suffering, turning away from our painful emotions, turning away from our anxiety, turning away from our negative thoughts and beliefs.

Wherever there is aversion and avoidance, then the problem begins. The real problem is that these reactive patterns, these habits of avoidance and aversion, prevent the anxiety or depression or underlying emotional habits from changing and from healing. They cannot change if we continue to be reactive towards them, if we continue to avoid our emotions, if we continue to react with resistance, struggle and hatred towards our mind. That will simply make those emotional habits stronger.

So, if you would like to talk to a therapist online who specializes in mindfulness psychology and you would like to talk to a psychologist online, then please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness approach and how it can help you, and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session.

The mindfulness approach is very focused and practical. It s quite different than conventional talk therapy. Talk therapy in general, talking about our emotions, may bring about a temporary relief from the symptoms. You may feel better, but that feeling doesn't last because we are not changing the underlying emotional habit and the patterns of avoidance and aversion that are feeding that emotional habit.

The same goes for medications as well. Medications have their place, but only as a short-term way of reducing the intensity of the emotional pain. Medications are not designed to change that underlying psychological process that causes your anxiety, depression or addiction.

From my experience, this approach of mindfulness is the most effective way of producing fast changes in emotional habits and many of my clients see substantial improvements after the first 3-4 sessions. It is quite a different way of working with your mind.

Talk to a Psychotherapist online through Skype for highly effective online therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Speak to a Therapist Online for Anxiety and Depression

People really like the convenience of online therapy and my clients like an approach that focuses on teaching practical mindfulness methods that you can apply by yourself...

If you would like to talk with a therapist online I invite you to go to my website and learn more about online psychotherapy via Skype.

I find it very effective and most of my clients really enjoy the online therapy option. It's much easier and more convenient to talk to a therapist online and get help for your anxiety or depression or other emotional problems than it is to go to a therapist's office.

It's also much less intimidating for most people. Most people find therapy via Skype to be considerably more comfortable. And this is really quite important because the success of your therapy sessions really largely depends on how comfortable you feel and how quickly you learn what is being taught.

So during these online therapy sessions I try to really focus on teaching you practical skills and tools that you can apply yourself to help you overcome anxiety and depression, and also for working with addictions. Most of my clients suffer from anxiety so I really specialize in teaching mindfulness based methods for working with anxiety.

During the therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome your anxiety or other emotional difficulties that you may be experiencing. The mindfulness based approach is very effective indeed and quite easy to learn and generally you can expect to see quite significant changes after the first few sessions.

Even after the very first session you can expect to see quite dramatic changes and you will get the kind of tools that you can use between sessions to help improve your skills for managing your anxiety. And that's my goal is to give you the tools for working with your anxiety not to become reliant on a therapist and certainly not become reliant on medications.

Medications to not treat the underlying cause of anxiety. At best they may provide a temporary reduction in the symptoms of anxiety, but they don't treat the underlying cause, so medication is not a long term solution. The only effective long term solution is to learn how to work with your mind, with the thoughts and beliefs, memories and habitual emotional reactivity that feeds your anxiety or depression or addiction.

So if you'd like to learn more and you'd like to talk with a therapist online via Skype, simply go to my website and please email me if you have any questions and I'll be happy to schedule a trial Skype Therapy session with you, where we can explore some of these principles and I can get you started right away in learning how to apply mindfulness for overcoming your anxiety or depression. Thank you.


Speak to an Online Psychotherapist via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of anxiety and depression and also addictions using mindfulness therapy. So if you'd like to talk to a therapist online and you like the Mindfulness Therapy approach then please contact me and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session.

All my therapy sessions are via Skype. It's very important that you use Skype or face time so that you can see each other. If you can see each other then the communication will be much better and is really just as good as meeting a therapist in person, especially if you are interested in an approach like Mindfulness Therapy that's focused on teaching you practical ways of working with your anxiety and depression or other emotional conditions yourself.

This is the focus of Mindfulness Therapy. It Is about empowering you, giving you the tools to work with difficult emotions that need healing, and I will teach you during our online therapy sessions how to use mindfulness to promote healing of anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional suffering.

So the mindfulness approach is really one of building conscious attention around the emotions that are bothering you. It's about turning towards your anxiety or depression rather than trying to run away from them. The avoidance reactions are quite natural and common, but unfortunately if you avoid the emotional pain it cannot heal. So since our mission is to heal anxiety or depression we must generate more conscious awareness around the emotions that are in pain.

We effectively see those emotions as being what they really are, which is mental objects. They are habits that get triggered and appear in the mind when they are triggered as mental objects. We learn to relate to them in that way as mental objects instead of becoming identified with them.

So we do this by meditating on our emotions. We place them as the primary objects of meditation so they become an object of meditation. And this reinforces our freedom from reactive identification with those emotions. If you are able to observe them then that position of being the observer is free from the emotion, is not conditioned by it.

Whether that's anxiety or depression or anything else it's habitual in nature. It becomes established as a conditioned habit. So our first job is to see that habit clearly and restore consciousness to it because habits cannot thrive when they are illuminated by conscious awareness.

The second approach that we cultivate when we meditate on our emotions is the response of compassion. So this is taught in a very specific way in the Mindfulness Therapy system that I have developed over the years. This is a process whereby we develop compassion towards that specific emotion itself as an object.

It's rather like the relationship between a parent and a child. You can think of the emotional object as being like a child. It's conditioned. It has a limited consciousness and it's not very good at healing its own pain. It requires a parent to help in that healing.

One of the primary methods that we employ for healing emotion, besides establishing this relationship as parent and child, which is of course very healing in itself, is by developing awareness of the imagery that is behind the emotion.

So seeing that imagery is very important because once you see it consciously then you can help it change. When the imagery changes the emotion changes and this actually is the primary mechanism through which emotions heal naturally. In our mindfulness work we are simply speed up this natural healing process.

So if you're interested in mindfulness and the mindfulness approach for healing emotional suffering and you'd like to schedule online therapy with me, then please contact me and we can schedule an online therapy session at a time that works for you. I see people throughout the world. All you need is a good internet connection and a quiet place for your sessions and then we can begin. So please contact me. Thank you.


Speak to an Online Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression

Speak with a Therapist Online via Skype

Would you like to speak with a therapist online over Skype? If so please contact me through my website. I offer online psychotherapy via Skype for help with anxiety and depression and many other common psychological problems that can be managed through the methods of mindfulness therapy.

This is a very exciting and very effective approach for overcoming those patterns of habitual emotional reactivity. We learn how to change the relationship that we have to our emotions. This is the key feature of mindfulness therapy.

So the emotions are what provides the power, if you like, for everything in the mind. In mindfulness psychology we understand that emotions precede thoughts, not the other way around as is taught in CBT for example. If you are feeling afraid or angry you are likely to start generating thoughts based around fear or anger. If there is no emotion preceding those thoughts then those thoughts don't form in the first place. Or if they do they resolve very quickly.

So working with the underlying emotions is key. And what we focus on in mindfulness therapy is forming a conscious relationship that's also based on friendliness and compassion with those painful emotions, like anxiety and depression, or shame or guilt or compulsion, in the case of an addiction. Whatever it might be we have to fundamentally change the relationship that we have with those emotions.

Typically we don't have a good relationship with our emotions. We simply react to them with more suffering and more reactive thoughts that simply feed those emotions and make them more painful, and also prevent them from healing. They cannot heal if you continue to react to them and feed them.

We have to learn how to sit with our emotions without reacting. That is the key first step in mindfulness training, and we do this by actually meditating on our emotions. We don't waste time talking about our emotions. That tends to simply feed the problem.

We instead focus our time on changing our relationship to our emotions so that we can hold them in conscious awareness without becoming identified with them and without reacting to them with cognitive reactivity or further emotional reactivity or even behavioral reactivity. An addiction is an example of behavioral reactivity, that is, if you like, trying to escape emotional pain.

So we need to cultivate this very non-reactive relationship first of all with our emotions. Then the second phase of our training is to learn how to work with those emotions in a way that helps them heal directly. Not by trying to change our belief structure or understanding or exploring the past or reasons why we feel this way. That approach is not usually very effective.

We work directly with the emotions. Typically almost all emotional suffering is based around fear. So we need to learn how to comfort fear. We need to learn how to relate to that fear in a way that will comfort it. We need to become like a friend or parent to those emotions that are in pain because that is what creates the healing. It's the quality of that relationship itself.

And it takes some training but not a lot. Most people already know the wisdom of this approach. It's natural. It's what you would do if you were comforting a friend or a child that was in pain.

You would approach it in this way. You would first of all establish a very safe and non-reactive relationship with them and then you would progress into finding ways to comfort them, which might be as simple as holding them or just being quiet and listening to them.

That quality of relationship is where the healing happens, the reactivity does not heal and even trying to understand your emotions and conceptualize them is technically speaking, just another form of cognitive reactivity. It doesn't usually heal the underlying emotion.

So if you'd like to learn more about this approach, please contact me and schedule a Skype Therapy session so you can see for yourself just how effective this mindfulness therapy approach is especially for anxiety disorders and depression. But I also work with addictions, as well. So contact me if this interests you. Thank you.


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