Talk to a Psychotherapist Online via Skype

Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for Anxiety or Depression

Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for highly effective online treatment for Depression and Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other psychological and emotional problems, including Post-traumatic stress

Online counseling is very effective as long as you use Skype so that you can see each other during your therapy sessions together with your therapist

Contact me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and arrange for a Skype therapy session with me. Your inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have seen over the years really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I would recommend him unconditionally. The process can be painful, but the pain resolves fairly rapidly and morphs into a sense of freedom, centeredness and wholeness."


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Talk with a psychotherapist online over Skype or FaceTime for help with anxiety and depression

If you would like to talk with a therapist online I encourage you to go to my website and learn more about online therapy.

So being able to talk with a therapist online is very convenient of course. It means that you can have your therapy sessions without having to leave home or without having to leave work. All you need is a quiet place and a good internet connection and a copy of Skype installed on your device, whether that's a laptop or computer or mobile phone.

People like the convenience of being able to talk with a psychotherapist online. I've been offering this online therapy service for over 10 years now and it's very, very popular indeed because of this convenience.

There are many other advantages to being able to see a therapist online. And that includes the fact that it makes you feel more comfortable and it makes you feel more in control of your change process. And this is very important.

If you're working with difficult emotions, if you're working with extreme anxiety or depression or if you're struggling with an addiction it's important that you feel and gain more and more control in working with these emotions.

So actually the process of going into a therapist's office can actually make you feel less empowered and makes you feel more like a victim rather than making you feel more in charge. So this is an important factor. This is why I don't advocate treatment based approaches in general, including medications, because they don't give you the tools that you need to overcome your anxiety or depression.

You have to work at the psychological level to do that, if you really want to heal. You have to change the underlying habitual processes that causes your emotional suffering. And that's what I focus on during these online Mindfulness Therapy sessions that I offer via Skype.

I will teach you how to work with your emotions so that you don't become controlled by them. I will teach you how to develop a conscious relationship with your emotions and thoughts without becoming a victim of your emotional reactivity.

Emotional reactivity such as anxiety or depression or addiction is, at the end of the day, nothing more than a very strong and ingrained psychological habit and habits can be trained to change by using tools like mindfulness, where we actually focus mindful attention on the habit itself.

The very process of observing your emotions actually helps you break free from your emotions because you establish a conscious relationship and habits work unconsciously, they depend on you not forming a conscious relationship with your emotions.

So this is one aspect of Mindfulness Therapy that's really important for successful change. If you really want to break free from your emotional suffering then you need to learn how to apply mindfulness to work with those emotions.

If you would like to learn more about talking with an online mindfulness therapist, then go to my website. There is plenty of information there about Mindfulness Therapy and the benefits of online therapy in general. And when you feel ready, simply reach out to me by email and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you. I see people throughout North America, Western Europe and any English speaking country in the world.

So if you'd like to get started with online therapy then please go to my website and email me. Thank you.

Talk to a psychotherapist online through Skype

See a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including PTSD and Traumatic Stress.

Online counseling is very effective as long as you use Skype so that you can see each other during your therapy sessions together with your therapist.

Email me to learn more about this online counseling service and book a therapy session with me. General inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"After each session, I come away with something of substance to work on throughout the week. Often, I recall something in everyday life, that was said in our session; A nugget of wise advice or a helpful technique, that provides an alternative avenue, to my habitual way of reacting to a life situation."

My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist. If you would like to talk to a therapist online, the best way to do that is to find a therapist who offers Skype therapy sessions. Skype allows you to talk in real time and it's really equivalent to meeting face-to-face in the therapist's office, but of course, it's much more convenient for you because you don't have to leave your home or office, or if you are traveling it's much easier to talk to a therapist via Skype and continue your sessions wherever you live.

So, talking to a therapist through Skype is one of the most effective ways to get ongoing help for managing difficult emotional problems such as chronic anxiety, depression, and also for help with addictions as well.

Many of my clients live abroad or they live in the rural areas of the US and find it difficult to find a local therapist to help them work with anxiety, depression, addictions or other emotional problems.

So, if you are interested in learning more about talking to a therapist online via Skype, do please visit my website, which is, and also visit my YouTube channel and subscribe and learn more about the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I offer via Skype.

People search for this form of therapy as an alternative to the older style of talk therapy, which may help with relieving symptoms but it does very little to change the underlying cause of your anxiety, depression or addiction. The system of Mindfulness Therapy that I developed many years ago now and talk about in my book, 'The Path of Mindfulness Meditation', is very much focused on helping you change your underlying relationship to the very process that creates anxiety or depression.

The central theme of Mindfulness Therapy is learning how to break the habit of becoming identified and overwhelmed by habitual reactive thinking and by reactive emotions. We tend to get lost in our thoughts and our emotional habits and this simply feeds the emotional problem whether it's anxiety, depression or addiction.

So, that's what I focus on in the online therapy sessions that I offer via Skype. Please feel free to contact me through email and we can discuss further how Mindfulness Therapy and the online therapy approach can help you manage your emotions more effectively. I look forward to hearing from you.


See an online psychotherapist for help with anxiety & depression

So, now it's possible for you to talk to a therapist online to get help with anxiety or depression or addiction or any other emotional problem that's causing problems in your life.

It's very easy to get started, all you need is Skype and a good internet connection and then you can schedule a Skype therapy session with me. I see people throughout North America and Western Europe and as far away as Australia.

People contact me because they are particularly interested in the Mindfulness approach that I teach. Mindfulness therapy is immensely effects for anxiety and depression, particularly.

During these sessions which, I usually hold once a week, I will teach you very practical and very effective mindfulness-based methods for working with your emotions. The most important thing that we have to change is the way that we relate to our emotions.

Typically, we become identified with our emotions, they consume us, they overwhelm us, they basically cause us to become very reactive and this is a habit. This is a habit called reactive identification. It's the first thing we work on during mindfulness therapy sessions.

We need to, basically, break this habit so that you do not become overwhelmed by your emotions, that you can establish a stable and non-reactive relationship with your emotions. We call this learning to sit with your emotions. This is crucial when you have learnt how to do this, then you create the right conditions for the emotion to change and heal itself. But, also when you have a stable and non-reactive relationship with your emotions then you can help them heal. We do this through a variety of techniques.

One of the most effective and powerful aspects of mindfulness therapy is learning to develop a friendly and compassionate relationship with your emotions. This is absolutely essential for their healing. We must get over the habit of reacting with hatred or avoidance towards our emotional pain. We must instead learn to embrace it, because only then can you help it heal.

Much of the healing happens through this relationship, which we call the relationship between the True Self, your true self, and the emotion the Little Self. This alliance is very much like the alliance between a parent and a child in a healthy family. When the child feels secure it grows in a healthy way and learns how to manage its well-being by itself, it develops its own true self in that environment.

This is how we must treat our emotions, rather like we would treat the child with discipline, that's not becoming reactive, but also with love, which helps the emotion change and heal.

If you would like to learn more about the mindfulness therapy approach to healing anxiety or depression and you like the idea of talking to a therapist online now, do please go to my website, learn more and then send me an email so we can work on scheduling a Skype therapy session at a time that was you. Thank you.


Speak to an Online Psychotherapist via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist. I offer online therapy over Skype for helping you overcome anxiety and depression and also for working with addictions, too.

So, as an online therapist, I specialize in providing very practical methods and techniques that you can apply yourself between therapy sessions. This is the most important thing that you should be learning from a therapist, any case.

It should not be considered as a treatment option, because that doesn't give you any skills that you can apply yourself. Good psychotherapy should not be regarded as a treatment, but rather as a way of teaching you more effective methods for working with anxiety and depression.

I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which is extremely practical and very effective for anxiety and depression. It teaches you how to change those underlying habitual patterns of reactive thinking that produce anxiety and depression.

Most of these habits are subconscious and not something that we are aware of most of the time. We are aware of the anxiety and depression, but not of the actual habits that create the anxiety and depression.

Mindfulness Therapy is very much about uncovering these habits and then changing them. It's actually much easier than you may think to change anxiety and depression. The key is to look directly at the underlying process that is producing that emotional suffering. If you do that, then the changes you make will be very direct and very effective.

So, Mindfulness Therapy gives you the tools to change the way you feel and to help you establish a much stronger sense of well-being in your life.

If you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and you would like to work with an online therapist such as myself, then please simply go to my website, learn more about online therapy over Skype and then email me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you!


Speak to a therapist online via Skype

I will be very happy to answer your questions about psychotherapy via Skype, and when you feel ready, you can schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

Learn how to overcome anxiety or depression. Talk with a Therapist Online over Skype for effective online therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD or any other emotional problems that do not require medical treatment. Contact me to discover more about this online counseling service and to schedule an online psychotherapy session with me.

Traditional talk therapy can be helpful, but often common talk therapy does not look at the underlying structure that is the real cause of your emotional suffering.

The same can be said for medications - the medication may reduce symptoms for a while, but medications will not transform the underlying cause that produces your emotional pain.

The school of psychotherapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is quite successful for handling chronic anxiety and for treating depression or other emotional difficulties caused by conditioned reactive thinking. Most people experience quite significant changes after the first couple of sessions of Mindfulness Therapy.

If you are suffering from anxiety or depression or panic attacks or any other emotional problems that are affecting the quality of your life then you might want to talk to a therapist online.

I offer online psychotherapy via Skype to help people work through their emotions and learn new ways of breaking free from habits of emotional reactivity such as anxiety or depression or OCD or addiction.

The online format that I use works extremely well especially if you are suffering from anxiety or one of these kind of emotional problems that really depend on an underlying conditioned habit. These habits can be changed through mindfulness, through the application of conscious awareness to uncover those habits.

When you bring consciousness, mindfulness, to any habit you basically break the pattern of repetition by bringing in the element of choice. The more consciousness you bring to a habit, the more choice you develop. The more choice allows you to respond differently to those triggers that triggered that anxiety. So, this is what we work on during our online therapy sessions. Most people see quite significant changes within quite a short time, and this is because we are focusing on the actual mechanism that produces that anxiety - the unseen habit.

So, if you would like to learn more about online psychotherapy and you would like to talk to a therapist online, then simply go to my website and email me to schedule a Skype therapy session. Ask any questions you have about online therapy and I look forward to working with you. Thank you.

Skype Therapy - Psychotherapy Online - Speak to a Psychotherapist online via Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including PTSD.

Contact me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and to book a therapy session via Skype with me.

This online therapy service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is an internet connection and you are ready to start online psychotherapy with me.


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Talk to a Psychotherapist Online via Skype