Talk to a therapist online for Effective Help for Anxiety

Talk to a therapist online for Effective Help for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness-based Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression

Online Psychotherapist - Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for effective online therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including PTSD and Traumatic Stress.

Online counseling is extremely effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your sessions together with your therapist.

Contact me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and schedule a Skype therapy session with me. Inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have helped over the years really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I really don’t want to continue taking medications to treat my anxiety. I hate the side-effects. I feel that this online counseling has given me the tools I needed to stop my panic attacks. Mindfulness therapy has been very effective treatment for me – and enjoyable too!"


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If you would like to talk to an online psychotherapist, then go to my website to learn about Online Psychological counseling via Skype for eliminating anxiety and chronic depression, help with addiction recovery, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, PTSD, Psychological Trauma and other forms of psychological suffering not requiring medical treatment.

Standard counseling can be useful, but often it does not change the underlying psychological process that creates your anxiety and depression.

This also applies to the use of medications - the prescription medications may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for a while, but medications are not going to heal the underlying cause that produces your emotional suffering.

The type of psychotherapy that I teach online is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be quite effective for managing anxiety as well as for treating depression or other psychological problems resulting from habitual reactive thinking. Most of my clients notice quite substantial changes after the first couple of sessions of Skype Therapy.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online psychotherapist. If you would like to talk to a psychotherapist online then please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service and contact me via email with any questions you may have and tell me about yourself and how I can help you.

So, talking to an online therapist is becoming more and more widely accepted now if you don't require clinical intervention, that is you don't require medications, then online psychotherapy can be an excellent choice for you.

The service that I provide specializes in Mindfulness Therapy, and this really is a way of helping you overcome long-standing patterns of emotional reactivity that cause anxiety and depression. Mindfulness teaches you how to change these emotional habits quite effectively.

This is a better choice in the long-run because you are learning how to change the cause of your anxiety or depression or other form of emotional suffering. Medications don't treat the cause, they only provide a temporary relief from the symptoms, and that is not enough, it never will be. You have to change the underlying psychological cause which we describe as your "emotional habits."

Mindfulness allows you to examine these habits in great detail and see how they actually work in real-time, in the present moment, to see what actually is anxiety or depression. How does it look in the mind? What is the emotional imagery associated with that particular emotion?

Mindfulness is simply a way of focusing consciousness directly on an object like an emotion or a thought, without any judgement or any form of reactivity to the thing that you are looking at. It is really learning how to be a skillful observer, like a scientist, observing without any prejudice or preconceptions, to see what is actually there.

When you start to examine emotions in this way with mindfulness, you will start to see the underlying emotional imagery that keeps that emotional habit alive. When you see the imagery of the emotion you can change that imagery, and when you change the imagery of anxiety or depression you remove that anxiety or depression, you change the emotional habit itself.

So, this is one part of Mindfulness Therapy and it works extremely well online. It's about teaching you tools and methods to work with your emotions, and this includes mindfulness meditation, where we learn to meditate on our emotions. This is how you can begin to change those unconscious emotional habits.

Skype Therapy Service - Online Therapy Service - Talk to a Psychotherapist online via Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post-traumatic stress.

Contact me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to book an online therapy session with me. 


Talk to an Online Therapist to Overcome Anxiety & Depression

So, now it's possible for you to talk to a therapist online to get help with anxiety or depression or addiction or any other emotional problem that's causing problems in your life. 

It's very easy to get started, all you need is Skype and a good internet connection and then you can schedule a Skype therapy session with me. I see people throughout North America and Western Europe and as far away as Australia. 

People contact me because they are particularly interested in the Mindfulness approach that I teach. Mindfulness therapy is immensely effects for anxiety and depression, particularly. 

During these sessions which, I usually hold once a week, I will teach you very practical and very effective mindfulness-based methods for working with your emotions. The most important thing that we have to change is the way that we relate to our emotions. 

Typically, we become identified with our emotions, they consume us, they overwhelm us, they basically cause us to become very reactive and this is a habit. This is a habit called reactive identification. It's the first thing we work on during mindfulness therapy sessions. 

We need to, basically, break this habit so that you do not become overwhelmed by your emotions, that you can establish a stable and non-reactive relationship with your emotions. We call this learning to sit with your emotions. This is crucial when you have learnt how to do this, then you create the right conditions for the emotion to change and heal itself. But, also when you have a stable and non-reactive relationship with your emotions then you can help them heal. We do this through a variety of techniques. 

One of the most effective and powerful aspects of mindfulness therapy is learning to develop a friendly and compassionate relationship with your emotions. This is absolutely essential for their healing. We must get over the habit of reacting with hatred or avoidance towards our emotional pain. We must instead learn to embrace it, because only then can you help it heal. 

Much of the healing happens through this relationship, which we call the relationship between the True Self, your true self, and the emotion the Little Self. This alliance is very much like the alliance between a parent and a child in a healthy family. When the child feels secure it grows in a healthy way and learns how to manage its well-being by itself, it develops its own true self in that environment. 

This is how we must treat our emotions, rather like we would treat the child with discipline, that's not becoming reactive, but also with love, which helps the emotion change and heal. 

If you would like to learn more about the mindfulness therapy approach to healing anxiety or depression and you like the idea of talking to a therapist online now, do please go to my website, learn more and then send me an email so we can work on scheduling a Skype therapy session at a time that was you. Thank you. 


Talk to a Psychotherapist Online - Therapy via Skype for Anxiety

Learn how to break free from anxiety or depression. See a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for effective online treatment for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any other forms of emotional stress not requiring medical treatment. Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to arrange for a therapy session via Skype with me.

Traditional counseling can be useful, but often it does not look at the underlying psychological process that is the real cause of your emotional suffering.

This also applies to the use of medications - a drug may provide temporary relief from symptoms for a while, but medications are not effective for transforming the underlying psychological process that causes your emotional pain.

The style of psychotherapy that I teach online is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is quite successful for handling chronic anxiety and for treating chronic depression and other common psychological difficulties caused by conditioned negative thinking. Most of my students notice measurable reduction in the level of anxiety and depression after the first couple of sessions of Skype Therapy.

If you are experiencing anxiety or panic attacks or depression you may consider talking to a therapist online. Seeing a therapist online is a very good and very convenient way of getting help and it's generally a lot less intimidating than going to see a therapist in person. So if you'd like to talk to a therapist online do please go to my website and then learn more about this process of Skype counseling that I offer and then e-mail me and we can schedule a time when we can have an online therapy session. 

So the advantages of talking to a therapist online, as I said are ones of convenience and also it's much more comfortable for you. But it also helps you develop a better understanding of how to work with the mind. 

So during the online therapy sessions I teach you very effective mindfulness-based methods for working with anxiety and depression. Most of my clients suffer from either anxiety or depression and they benefit tremendously when they start practicing the mindfulness techniques that I teach. 

The central most important thing is to learn how to develop a conscious and friendly relationship with your emotions. The biggest mistake that I see over and over again is that people develop an aversion to their anxiety or depression, they run away from their emotions or they find them or they react to their anxiety with anger or hostility or resistance or self-criticism, etc. 

The process of reactivity feeds the anxiety or depression. It only begins to change when you change your relationship to your emotions, so that's why it's so important to develop conscious and frankly relationship with your emotions. Then you create the right conditions in which they can change. 

And this is the whole basis of mindfulness therapy we learned to actually meditate on our anxiety and on how depression and any other emotions or thoughts that create suffering in the mind. We learned to develop balance in relationship to our emotions and our thoughts. 

Learn how to break free from this process of habitual reactivity that feeds the anxiety or depression. When you do that then you stop feeding the fire of the anxiety or depression or any other emotion. When you stop feeding it, it begins to change and it begins to heal. So the second part of mindfulness therapy is learning how to help it heal, how to help your anxiety or depression heal itself. 

And I will teach you exactly how to do this during these online therapy sessions. So, if you'd like to talk to a therapist online and you'd like to learn more about online psychotherapy in general, then please go to my website, and when you are ready to start you can email me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you. 


Talk to a therapist online over Skype for anxiety

Learn how to break free from anxiety or depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any psychological problems not requiring medical treatment. Contact me to find out more about this online therapy service and to schedule a online therapy session with me.

This online counseling service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a reliable internet connection and you can begin Skype therapy with me.

If you'd like to see a therapist online, I invite you to go to my website and learn about this online therapy service that I offer via Skype and then simply contact me and we can schedule an online therapy session at a time that works for you to help you with your anxiety or depression. 

It is perfectly fine to see a therapist online for anxiety or depression or other common emotional problems that don't require medical treatment. That's the main difference here. So online therapy is suitable if you don't require medical treatment. And for most people really what you need more than medical treatment is to learn skills for working with anxiety or depression, which are essentially psychological habits. And this is what we need to focus on is changing these psychological habits, and often medications are not really suitable for doing that. So that's what I offer. 

I offer online therapy and I specialize in mindfulness therapy, which you can learn more about on my website. Mindfulness therapy is extremely effective for anxiety and for depression, as well. It teaches you how to break that habit of emotional and cognitive reactivity that feeds anxiety, panic attacks, and also depression. 

If you'd like to learn more about scheduling online therapy with me simply e-mail me and we can schedule a session that works for you. The mindfulness therapy approach is very effective and most people can expect to see significant improvements after the first few sessions. Each session is conducted through Skype which is very effective and allows you to to see the therapist, to see me, as well as talk to me in real time. And that's really the main requirement for online therapy. 

You need to be able to see each other as well as speak to each other in real time. So if you'd like to learn more please go to my website and then e-mail me with any questions you may have about this online psychotherapy service. I see people throughout the USA and Canada and Western Europe and as far away as Japan. So please contact me. Thank you.

Talk to a therapist online - See a psychotherapist online via Skype.  Visit my Skype counseling website and contact me now to ask your questions about online psychotherapy via Skype. This service is very effective for anxiety and depression without the use of medications.


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Talk to a therapist online for Effective Help for Anxiety

Talk to a therapist online for Effective Help for Anxiety