Talk to a Therapist Online  - Therapy via Skype

Talk to a Therapist Online  - Therapy via Skype

Speak to an Online Psychotherapist for Help with anxiety and depression

See a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for effective online psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other psychological and emotional problems, including PTSD and Traumatic Stress.

Online therapy is very effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your sessions together with your therapist.

Email me to find out more about this online counseling service and arrange for a therapy session with me. Inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have seen over the years really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I had three sessions with Peter (4 hours total) and am very glad I had a chance to do therapy with him. Even after one session, I already felt better about some of the trauma I have had since I was young. With him, I learned to dissolve the trauma and came to terms with what happened in the past. I very much appreciate Peter’s kindness, wisdom, and patience."


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Online Mindfulness Therapist over Skype for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression without using drugs

My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional mindfulness therapist specializing in Buddhist psychotherapy, which, of course, focuses very much on changing the process that creates your anxiety, depression, addiction, OCD or PTSD.

The focus in this approach is helping you really change the way you relate to emotional habits like anxiety or depression. The problematic relationship is where that relationship is built on habitual reactive patterns of AVOIDANCE and AVERSION, patterns of turning away from our emotional suffering, turning away from our painful emotions, turning away from our anxiety, turning away from our negative thoughts and beliefs.

Wherever there is aversion and avoidance, then the problem begins. The real problem is that these reactive patterns, these habits of avoidance and aversion, prevent the anxiety or depression or underlying emotional habits from changing and from healing. They cannot change if we continue to be reactive towards them, if we continue to avoid our emotions, if we continue to react with resistance, struggle and hatred towards our mind. That will simply make those emotional habits stronger.

So, if you would like to talk to a therapist online who specializes in mindfulness psychology and you would like to talk to a psychologist online, then please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness approach and how it can help you, and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session.

The mindfulness approach is very focused and practical. It s quite different than conventional talk therapy. Talk therapy in general, talking about our emotions, may bring about a temporary relief from the symptoms. You may feel better, but that feeling doesn't last because we are not changing the underlying emotional habit and the patterns of avoidance and aversion that are feeding that emotional habit.

The same goes for medications as well. Medications have their place, but only as a short-term way of reducing the intensity of the emotional pain. Medications are not designed to change that underlying psychological process that causes your anxiety, depression or addiction.

From my experience, this approach of mindfulness is the most effective way of producing fast changes in emotional habits and many of my clients see substantial improvements after the first 3-4 sessions. It is quite a different way of working with your mind.

Talk to a Psychotherapist online through Skype for highly effective online therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 


Speak to an Online Psychotherapist for Help with anxiety and depression

Learn how to better manage anxiety or depression. Speak with a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online mindfulness therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD or any psychological problems that do not require medical treatment. 

Contact me to discover more about this online psychotherapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy over Skype.

Many people like to talk to a therapist over Skype rather than in-person because it is more comfortable as well as more convenient.

If you are suffering from anxiety, for example, then you will probably find it much more effective to talk to a therapist over Skype than in person because you will be more comfortable and open to incorporating the changes and advice that the psychotherapist offers you.

So, this is one of the main reasons why I have chosen to specialize in online therapy over Skype, because it is more effective for most people, especially if you are suffering from anxiety. But I also offer therapy over Skype for depression, and Skype therapy for addictions as well.

The same kind of principles apply here - People suffering from depression are often uncomfortable talking about their depression to a psychotherapist in-person. So, being able to talk to a therapist over Skype is going to be much, much easier for you.

Also, people suffering from an addiction are often uncomfortable talking about their addiction in a group format. So, having private sessions with an online therapist can be much more effective there as well.

If you would like to learn more about talking to a therapist online over Skype, simply go to my website and learn more about online therapy. When you feel ready, contact me. Simply email me and I will be happy to answer any questions you have about the online psychotherapy process.

If you would like to schedule a Skype therapy session with me, simply email me and we can arrange for a trial Skype therapy session. A trial session is a very good way of assessing if this is the right approach for you. So, please email me and schedule a Skype therapy trial session now and I will be happy to help you overcome anxiety, depression, addictions or any other emotional problems that you may be struggling with. 

So, I look forward to hearing from you.


Talk to an Online Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression

Can I talk to a therapist online? - Get help from a professional online therapist

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I provide online therapy for anxiety for depression, for addictions and other common psychological problems that can benefit from Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty. 

So I'm often asked, "Can I talk to a therapist online?" and the answer is yes you can as long as you are looking for a therapist that can help you manage your emotional problems using psychological techniques like mindfulness rather than medications. You can't receive prescription meds medications online of course. 

However most people who are seeking online therapy have already tried medications and traditional talk therapy usually with very poor results. 

Most people who come to me are looking for an alternative to conventional style psychotherapy and medications. They are looking for practical tools for managing anxiety and depression or addiction, and Mindfulness Therapy provides these solutions. It gives you very practical ways of working with your mind. It teaches you how to work with emotions and react to thinking without using medications, and it's very effective indeed. 

Most people who work with me can expect to see significant improvements within the first three to four sessions of online therapy. The key is learning how to change the way that you relate to your mind. You have to develop a different relationship with your emotions, that's not based on avoidance or some form of self-criticism or self judgment or even based on some concept that these emotions are irrational. 

Emotions are not irrational. They are mental formations that are formed for very good reasons, typically starting in childhood. They just get stuck, basically, and are not able to heal properly. 

Mindfulness Therapy gives you the ability to continue the healing process of these emotional formations that have gotten stuck and it does this by bringing conscious awareness to the emotion. 

You learn how to meditate on your emotions. This is quite new for many people. Most people are trying to escape their emotions or try to suppress them in some way, but that simply will not work. Those emotions must heal in order for you to be free from anxiety or depression or addiction. 

If you'd like to learn more about the Mindfulness Therapy approach for healing emotional suffering, then please contact me so we can schedule an online therapy session. 

Like I say, most people see quite substantial changes within the first few sessions of mindfulness training. So if you'd like to learn more about this approach and you like the idea of working with an online therapist because of its convenience, then please email me and we can schedule an online therapy session at a time that works for you. 

I see people throughout North America, Canada, Western Europe, the UK and as far away as Japan. So please contact me now. 


Speak with an Online Therapist via Skype for Anxiety and Depression

Learn how to break free from anxiety or depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any psychological problems not requiring medical treatment. Contact me to find out more about this online therapy service and to schedule a online therapy session with me.

This online counseling service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a reliable internet connection and you can begin Skype therapy with me.

If you'd like to see a therapist online, I invite you to go to my website and learn about this online therapy service that I offer via Skype and then simply contact me and we can schedule an online therapy session at a time that works for you to help you with your anxiety or depression. 

It is perfectly fine to see a therapist online for anxiety or depression or other common emotional problems that don't require medical treatment. That's the main difference here. So online therapy is suitable if you don't require medical treatment. And for most people really what you need more than medical treatment is to learn skills for working with anxiety or depression, which are essentially psychological habits. And this is what we need to focus on is changing these psychological habits, and often medications are not really suitable for doing that. So that's what I offer. 

I offer online therapy and I specialize in mindfulness therapy, which you can learn more about on my website. Mindfulness therapy is extremely effective for anxiety and for depression, as well. It teaches you how to break that habit of emotional and cognitive reactivity that feeds anxiety, panic attacks, and also depression. 

If you'd like to learn more about scheduling online therapy with me simply e-mail me and we can schedule a session that works for you. The mindfulness therapy approach is very effective and most people can expect to see significant improvements after the first few sessions. Each session is conducted through Skype which is very effective and allows you to to see the therapist, to see me, as well as talk to me in real time. And that's really the main requirement for online therapy. 

You need to be able to see each other as well as speak to each other in real time. So if you'd like to learn more please go to my website and then e-mail me with any questions you may have about this online psychotherapy service. I see people throughout the USA and Canada and Western Europe and as far away as Japan. So please contact me. Thank you.

Talk to a therapist online - See a psychotherapist online via Skype.  Visit my Skype counseling website and contact me now to ask your questions about online psychotherapy via Skype. This service is very effective for anxiety and depression without the use of medications.


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Talk to a Therapist Online  - Therapy via Skype

Talk to a Therapist Online  - Therapy via Skype