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See an Online Psychotherapist for Anxiety and Depression

Online Psychotherapist - See a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other psychological and emotional problems, including PTSD and Traumatic Stress.

Online counseling is very effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your sessions together with your therapist.

Contact me to find out more about this online therapy service and book a therapy session with me. General inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have helped over the years really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Dr. Strong helped me through the most difficult time of my life. I wasn’t able to leave the house for over five months due to crippling anxiety. Dr. Strong was able to help me welcome my anxiety and take care of it in order to heal it. I had always thought anxiety was something to push away and fear, but through meditation and welcoming my anxiety, I learned I can truly enjoy experiences that would otherwise trigger anxiety. Everything else I have tried has not come close to the healing and happiness I have experienced through Dr. Strong’s sessions. He is very kind and honest and I couldn’t have healed my anxiety without him. Every day is different, but even after ending our sessions, his counseling has proved invaluable. Thank you Dr. Strong!"


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Therapy via Skype - Mindfulness Therapy Online

Learn how to better manage anxiety or depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, PTSD or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require medical treatment. Contact me to discover more about this online psychotherapy service and to arrange for an online counseling session with me.

Doing therapy via Skype is so convenient and also very effective. I am from the United Kingdom originally, now living in Colorado and I continue to offer online therapy via Skype to the UK. The time difference (7hr) means that you will be able to have sessions in the evening, your time, which works out really well.

Most of my clients and students have a specific interest in mindfulness therapy and want to learn how to apply mindfulness and meditation for overcoming anxiety and depression and other forms of emotional suffering without using medications or committing to years of "talk therapy."

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist, specializing in mindfulness therapy, which I teach online via Skype. Therapy via Skype is a very good option if you are looking for some specific type of psychotherapy such as mindfulness therapy that you may not have access to in your local area. 

So, although I live in Colorado, in the USA, I frequently see people in UK. I'm from the UK originally and moved to Colorado many years ago now, but I still continue to offer online therapy for people living in the UK. It's a great pleasure for me to be able to talk to fellow Brits and to help them learn how to overcome anxiety and depression and other common psychological and emotional problems using the techniques of mindfulness therapy. 

So the most central approach that I will teach you during these Skype therapy sessions is really how to apply mindfulness to work with your anxiety or depression. The real key understanding here is that you actually learn how to sit with your emotions, how to meditate on your anxiety or depression. It's so easy to get lost in patterns of avoidance and aversion, trying to run away from our anxiety or depression. This is the worst thing you can do. It simply feeds the anxiety. If you develop fear of your anxiety and fear of your depression then that will simply feed it and will cause the anxiety or depression to become more established and more intense. 

The central, best way to overcome habits of anxiety and depression is to actually develop a friendship towards those emotions, to start learning how to care for those emotions, how to care for yourself. And that's the focus of mindfulness therapy. 

So if you're interested in this please do send me an e-mail. The time difference is very convenient to people in the United Kingdom. It means that basically you can schedule sessions with me during the day and it will be an evening time for you, and that's usually very convenient for people who have a job and not available during the day. That's why I see so many people in UK and also in Western Europe. Time differences is very convenient. 

So please contact me if you'd like to learn more about how to work with your anxiety depression using mindfulness. It is very, very effective and most of my clients see quite significant changes after the first few sessions with me. So contact me and schedule a trial Skype therapy session and you can see for yourself just how effective this approach will be. 


Therapy via Skype - How to Overcome Anxiety & Depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I offer therapy via Skype as an alternative to conventional in-person therapy sessions. Online therapy provides an excellent way to get effective help for managing anxiety, for overcoming depression or for help with recovery from an addiction.

There is really no difference in the quality of service, whether therapy is online or in-person. In both situations you are able to see each other and talk to each other in real time, and that's the main factor. Now, of course, there are some styles of psychotherapy that require a much more intimate connection between the psychotherapist and the client. But most forms of psychotherapy are really concerned with teaching you better ways of managing your emotions. That's an educational process and that can work very well online as we are indeed seeing with higher education, which is now very commonly offered online as well as in the classroom.

So, during the online therapy sessions that I offer via Skype I will be teaching you Mindfulness Therapy, which is a particular way of working with emotions that helps you really change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression, rather than just treating the symptoms. This is quite a different approach than traditional talk therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is similar to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, in that it works at the mechanistic level, the actual mechanism that causes your emotional suffering. With cognitive therapy you are, of course, working on changing recurrent thought patterns that are negative and dysfunctional into positive thought patterns that are life-enhancing and lead to a better sense of well-being. And that's fine, that's a very good approach.

However, in my experience, many clients come to me, having tried CBT and complain that although they have been working hard to change their thoughts, it doesn't actually change the way they feel. They still suffer from the same anxiety or depression, and this is because the thoughts are actually the byproduct of something else, and that is the underlying core emotions. The thoughts are the byproduct of emotion.

You have to work directly with the anxiety and depression or addiction, looking into the structure of how that emotion works. When you can change the emotion the thoughts will change themselves. They will simply adapt to the new state of emotion that has developed.

So, really the key to lasting change and well-being is to change things at the emotional level. In Mindfulness Therapy we do just this, we essentially focus mindfulness, which is a form of conscious awareness, directly on our emotions.

So, in Mindfulness Therapy you focus directly on changing your emotions, on helping them heal, and we do this in a number of different ways, which you can read about on my website and by watching some of the videos on my website.

If you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy via Skype, do please CONTACT ME and then we can schedule a trial Skype therapy session. There is no upfront payment required for a trial session. It is your opportunity to see if this approach is going to work for you. If it is effective for you and notice changes within that first session and you would like to continue online therapy with me, then you pay for that trial session and we would set up a follow-on session. Typically I see people on a weekly basis until they have learned the skills that they need and achieved the results that they are looking to achieve in reducing anxiety or depression or overcoming an addiction.

Most people can expect to see results quite quickly with Mindfulness Therapy because it is so directly focused on changing that underlying habitual process that creates the emotions.

So, if you would like to schedule a therapy session with me please send me an email. Ask any questions you may have and then, when you feel ready, we can schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you.

Learn more about Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for the treatment of Anxiety and Depression, Stress and PTSD, and for Addiction Counseling Online. Please EMAIL ME! 


Therapy via Skype - Learn how to overcome anxiety and depression

Learn how to better manage anxiety or depression. See a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for effective online treatment for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, including eating disorders, PTSD or any other emotional problems that do not require medical treatment. Contact me to find out more about this online counseling therapy service and to organize a Skype therapy session with me.

This online counseling service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is an internet connection and you can begin online psychotherapy with Dr.Peter Strong.

Therapy through Skype is particularly good for learning how to overcome anxiety and depression. I teach Mindfulness Therapy, which is one of the best approaches available for anxiety and which works well online.

Traditional talk therapy can be helpful, but often it does not transform the underlying structure that is the real cause of your anxiety and depression.

This also applies to the use of medications - the drug may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for awhile, but medications  will not heal the underlying cause that produces your emotional suffering.

The style of psychotherapy that I provide is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which is very powerful for controlling chronic anxiety as well as for treating chronic depression and other mental difficulties where there exists an inherent process of conditioned reactive thinking.

Welcome!. My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional mindfulness-based online therapist. I provide therapy through Skype for the treatment of anxiety, depression and for help with recovery from addictions, as well.

Therapy through Skype is particularly convenient, of course. It means you don't have to leave home and that is very important if you are suffering from anxiety or agoraphobia or if you have driving example, for example, then it is really difficult to leave home.

So, this therapy through Skype service that I offer is designed to help you get the help that you need from the comfort of your own home. It is also very effective if you are living abroad as well. Then you may prefer some form of therapy over Skype because the local choices are just not suitable. I do have many clients who I work with, living abroad as far away as Singapore, or the Philippines, many in Western Europe of course and in the UK.

People like the online therapy approach. It is just more empowering for you, it is about helping you learn very specific and practical methods to manage anxiety or depression or to recover from an addiction. This is what you really need, much more than just talking about your emotions or trying to mask the symptoms through medications.

The Mindfulness Therapy service that I provide over Skype is really designed to help you change the underlying process of reactive thinking that creates your anxiety or depression. Once you change that, then the symptoms of anxiety and depression diminish, including the physical symptoms in the body, as well.

So, if you would like to learn more about therapy through Skype, do please go to my website and simply EMAIL ME and tell me about yourself and how I can help you, and when you are ready, we can schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that suits you.

I have several spaces open during the week and they tend to fill up quite quickly, of course, but it is usually quite easy to fins a time to schedule you in, usually within a week. So, do please CONTACT ME NOW and reserve your Skype therapy session with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Therapy via Skype for Controlling Anxiety and Depression without relying on medications 


Talk with a Therapist Online using Skype for highly effective online psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD or any psychological problems not requiring medical treatment. Contact me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and to organize a Skype therapy session with me.

Conventional talk therapy can be helpful, but often common talk therapy does not alter the underlying structure that is the real cause of your emotional suffering.

The same can be said for medications - prescription medications may relieve symptoms for a while, but medications can not heal the underlying process that generates your emotional suffering.

The style of psychotherapy that I offer is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is quite effective for controlling chronic anxiety and for treating chronic depression or other emotional issues caused by conditioned reactive thinking. Most people notice significant reduction in the level of anxiety and depression after 3-4 sessions of Skype Therapy.

If you're interested in online psychotherapy and counseling to help you overcome anxiety or depression or an addiction or any other emotional problem, you might consider talking to a therapist online. Being able to talk to a therapist online is really quite an effective way of getting the help that you need to to manage difficult emotional problems. I see clients online on a daily basis and have done so for many years now and it's definitely just as effective to speak to a therapist online as it is to see the therapist in-person. 

The focus of the online therapy service that I offer is to teach you practical ways of managing difficult emotions. The principal habit that most people experience is one of becoming identified with emotions and with reactive thoughts. We tend to get lost in these patterns of habitual reactivity that simply feed our anxiety or depression, so the the most essential step in successful psychotherapy is to learn how to break the cycle of reactive identification, to be able to become the observer of your emotions and thoughts without becoming lost in them. 

This is essential because if you continue to simply become lost in thoughts or emotions or emotional trauma then you simply reinforce the underlying emotions. During mindfulness therapy, which is what I specialize in, we learn exactly how to do this, how to become the observer and how to develop independence in relationship to our emotions. This is the most important step for producing change. 

If you like to see a therapist online and learn some of the mindfulness techniques that I teach to please go to my website and email me. We can schedule a Skype counseling session at a time that works for you. I see people throughout North America and abroad in Europe and the Middle East and as far away as New Zealand. So if you are interested in learning how to overcome the patterns of emotional reactivity and you'd like to talk to a therapist online please email me and we can schedule a session. 


Speak with a Therapist Online for Help with Anxiety & Depression

If you would like to talk with a therapist online I encourage you to go to my website and learn more about online therapy. 

So being able to talk with a therapist online is very convenient of course. It means that you can have your therapy sessions without having to leave home or without having to leave work. All you need is a quiet place and a good internet connection and a copy of Skype installed on your device, whether that's a laptop or computer or mobile phone. 

People like the convenience of being able to talk with a psychotherapist online. I've been offering this online therapy service for over 10 years now and it's very, very popular indeed because of this convenience. 

There are many other advantages to being able to see a therapist online. And that includes the fact that it makes you feel more comfortable and it makes you feel more in control of your change process. And this is very important. 

If you're working with difficult emotions, if you're working with extreme anxiety or depression or if you're struggling with an addiction it's important that you feel and gain more and more control in working with these emotions. 

So actually the process of going into a therapist's office can actually make you feel less empowered and makes you feel more like a victim rather than making you feel more in charge. So this is an important factor. This is why I don't advocate treatment based approaches in general, including medications, because they don't give you the tools that you need to overcome your anxiety or depression. 

You have to work at the psychological level to do that, if you really want to heal. You have to change the underlying habitual processes that causes your emotional suffering. And that's what I focus on during these online Mindfulness Therapy sessions that I offer via Skype. 

I will teach you how to work with your emotions so that you don't become controlled by them. I will teach you how to develop a conscious relationship with your emotions and thoughts without becoming a victim of your emotional reactivity. 

Emotional reactivity such as anxiety or depression or addiction is, at the end of the day, nothing more than a very strong and ingrained psychological habit and habits can be trained to change by using tools like mindfulness, where we actually focus mindful attention on the habit itself. 

The very process of observing your emotions actually helps you break free from your emotions because you establish a conscious relationship and habits work unconsciously, they depend on you not forming a conscious relationship with your emotions. 

So this is one aspect of Mindfulness Therapy that's really important for successful change. If you really want to break free from your emotional suffering then you need to learn how to apply mindfulness to work with those emotions. 

If you would like to learn more about talking with an online mindfulness therapist, then go to my website. There is plenty of information there about Mindfulness Therapy and the benefits of online therapy in general. And when you feel ready, simply reach out to me by email and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you. I see people throughout North America, Western Europe and any English speaking country in the world. 

So if you'd like to get started with online therapy then please go to my website and email me. Thank you. 


Talk to a therapist online over Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which works extremely well online through Skype.

Skype Therapy is an excellent way of learning the strategies that you need to work with difficult emotions such as anxiety and depression or even addictions.

Because you can talk to each other and see each other, the quality of Skype therapy is really no different than being in an office with a psychotherapist. I offer both in-person psychotherapy and also online Skype therapy and quite frankly I prefer Skype therapy. 

Clients seem to do better with this format because they tend to feel more empowered, more in control of the process; they are less intimidated and feel more at ease. It is particularly useful if you are seeking more anonymity, more privacy in your work with a therapist.

Being able to talk to a therapist online from your own home is also, of course, very much more comfortable for you and this will improve the quality of psychotherapy.

The Mindfulness Therapy that I offer is extremely effective for anxiety and also depression. It's a way of helping you break free from those patterns of habitual reactivity that feed anxiety and depression. That's the biggest problem that most people deal with and breaking free from those habitual patterns is what really makes the difference, and there is nothing better than Mindfulness Therapy for doing that.

CBT is also a good choice; you should look at that as well. CBT is excellent for working with reactive thoughts, but Mindfulness Therapy is best if you want to work with the emotions themselves.

If you would like to learn more about Skype Therapy, simply go to my website and read the pages on the website and watch the other videos that are posted on my YouTube Channel and CONTACT ME when you would like to schedule a Skype Therapy session.

So, I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to working with you and helping you overcome those patterns of habitual reactivity that may cause your anxiety or depression. Thank you! 


See an online therapist for help with anxiety & depression anonymously 

Speak with an Online Therapist via Skype for Anxiety and Depression

Please go to my website if you would like to learn more about online therapy. If you'd like to speak to a therapist online via Skype, then you'll learn on my website exactly what I provide during these online therapy sessions to help you overcome your anxiety or depression or addiction or any other emotional problem that might benefit from Mindfulness Therapy. 

So I specialize in mindfulness therapy. This is a style of psychotherapy that I have been teaching for well over ten years now and that I find to be extremely effective for producing healing for anxiety and depression and also for other common emotional problems like driving anxiety, OCD, and also I've had a lot of success with working with people suffering from PTSD and emotional trauma. 

The basic concept behind Mindfulness Therapy is not so much just talking about your emotional problems but rather looking in detail at the structure of your emotions and also the relationship that you have with your emotions. These are the two major areas we work on during mindfulness therapy sessions. 

We look at the structure and the structure of your anxiety or depression or other form of emotional suffering is very much maintained by a network of habitual reactive thoughts and beliefs as well. These are habitual, they tend to just operate automatically without our choice. They simply feed the anxiety or depression underneath. 

So examining that network of reactive thinking is quite essential. And with mindfulness we begin to quite quickly break free from the habitual unconscious aspects of this structure of habitual reactive thinking. 

Once you see those thoughts very clearly you can begin to exercise choice and decide not to pursue those reactive thoughts and not to identify with. 

You can also learn how to work with the underlying emotion that is feeding those reactive thoughts, the underlying anxiety and depression itself. So this is where we build a relationship with our emotions based on mindfulness, and that means based on compassion. 

We learn to see those emotions as being objects that are in pain themselves. Strictly speaking from a mindfulness or Buddhist perspective, it's not you that is suffering it is the emotions themselves. You see these as objects in the mind that are like small fires that ignite and create suffering. 

Our job is to change our relationship to these objects so that we can help them heal rather than simply proliferate the suffering through reactive thinking. 

So we develop a compassionate relationship with any part of ourselves that is in pain, any emotion that is in a state of suffering. You learn to treat it with kindness, with friendliness and compassion. These are tremendously powerful healing forces. Trying to get rid of painful emotions is a very weak approach that is generally if not always totally ineffective. You have to develop a conscious friendly relationship with your emotions. That is what creates the right conditions for healing. 

It takes some training to do this effectively but it's not that difficult. And most people see quite dramatic changes even within the first two to three sessions once they start changing the way they relate to their emotions. Once you start relating to your emotions with mindfulness they will start to change quite rapidly. 

We can help that change process. When the emotions are operating habitually in an unconscious state of conditioned reactivity they can change. They can only repeat themselves over and over again. But once you break that unconscious habitual aspect by bringing mindful consciousness to them then they are able to change and heal quite quickly. 

So I will train you in how to do this if you choose to work with me. And like I say you should expect to see quite significant changes within the first few sessions. If you would like to get started with me and you'd like to see for yourself how effective mindfulness therapy can be for overcoming and healing emotional suffering, then simply email me and let's schedule a session. 

Please contact me if you'd like to get started with private mindfulness therapy sessions with me. Thank you. 


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